Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 11, 2015

The SJWs are up in arms over the shooting of three invasive Moslem parasites in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. They suspect the shooting was done out of pure hatred. #MuslimLivesMatter is preparing to trend on Twitter. They are referring to is as a “terrorist attack.”
Several neighbors told The Daily Tar Heel student daily that that had not even been aware of the shooting.
Kristen Boling, a student at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill who lives in the complex, told the paper she arrived home at 3:45 pm but didn’t hear or see anything until after police arrived.
“It was a regular day when I got off the bus,” she said. “Now it’s chaos and confusion and they’re not telling us what’s going on.”
A 46-year-old man identified by police as Craig Stephen Hicks turned himself in late Tuesday night. He was subsequently arrested on suspicion of three counts of first degree murder.
Police say the killings might have been committed over a parking space dispute.
“It appears to have been part of an ongoing dispute over parking,” Lt. Joshua Mecimore, a spokesman for the Chapel Hill Police Department, said to LA Times.
The incident has provoked massive speculation on social media that it was a hate crime, with many posts carrying the hashtag: #MuslimLivesMatter.
Hicks is a self-described atheist who regularly posted content critical of religion on his Facebook account.
According to US media, Hicks allegedly wrote in one post: “When it comes to insults, your religion started this, not me. If your religion kept its big mouth shut, so would I.” The quote in question was paraphrased from Pat Condell, an Irish comedian and atheist internet personality.
Without all the facts in, I’m gonna go ahead and say what I think most likely happened here. Probably, he consciously shot the Moslems over a parking dispute, while subconsciously, he shot them because his primal reptillian mind identified them as a foreign threat to the integrity of his homeland and the lives of those he loves.

Obviously, he was also a bit nutty. Maybe he was completely nutty, or maybe just a tad nutty and the towel-heads caught him on a bad day.
Either way, this is going to be an ongoing campaign of the SJWs, and they’re going to get some serious mileage out of it.
The unfunny Negro troll Chris Rock is already all over it, Tweeting his support.

If you love Islam so much Chris, why don’t you marry a 9-year-old? (ZING!).
Better yet, go join ISIS.
More celebrities are sure to be pouring into this hip cause of “don’t shoot people over parking spots unless they’re not Moslems.”
Moslem Lives Don’t Actually Matter
The people Tweeting this ridiculous claim that these people’s lives matter must not do internets or TVs very much. Like Blacks, Moslems do little else but slaughter one another. I mean, if Moslem lives did matter, maybe ISIS would still be slaughtering them wholesale, but surely they would execute less children.
Moslems themselves demonstrate on an hourly basis that their lives don’t matter. Then they try and lie to us and claim they do.
I see what you’re selling hadji, and I ain’t buying.
Please Note: I’m Against This
Though I am active in continually denouncing violence, as a “Nazi” it is necessary when I report on things like this to be explicit: I don’t condone this in any way. No, I don’t believe the people should have been in my country, and yes, it is difficult for me to feel particularly sorry for them. It’s a human tragedy, and I can feel for their families and so on, but they knew what they were doing, coming to a foreign country where they were not welcome. But that in no way implies that I support these actions, which only serve to make anti-invasion activists look like kooky terrorists.