Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 8, 2014
A Muslim plot to assassinate the Queen of England has been foiled, the New York Post reports.
Four Muslims planned to stab the Queen to death this weekend as the country celebrated 96 years since the end of WWI in an annual jubilee where she makes an appearance, but British police managed to thwart them.
Police discovered the plot by men ranging from 19 to 27 in age and conducted multiple raids.
One has to wonder how the Queen feels about her country being invaded by Muslims who are trying to murder her. Thus far, she has refused to speak out about it, which, as many have noted, is extremely bizarre, given that she has no clear reason to want her country conquered and destroyed.
This situation deals another blow to the Jew multiculturalist agenda, demonstrating once again how danger Muslims are, how incompatible they are with our society.
It looks like it is time to remind the people once again that Islam is a religion of peace. Because it could be what with all these Muslims murdering and planning to murder everyone, they’ve forgotten.