My Letter to the Editors of the Criminal Publication Which Defamed My Person

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 10, 2014

John McCarthy: Fake Journalist, lying hoaxer, chubby cupcake addict, complete faggot
John McCarthy: Fake Journalist, lying hoaxer, chubby cupcake addict, complete faggot

After being illegally defamed in The Drum by a Mr. John McCarthy, I sent the following letter to the staff of the publication.

To Whom It May Concern,

It has come to my attention that your publication is purposefully defaming me and accusing me of criminal acts.

In your article on the trolling of Luciana Berger, you write:

The Twitter campaign of terror crossed the Atlantic with Andrew Anglin’s Ohio-based fascist website, the Daily Stormer, urging further abuse and violence against the “Jewess Berger”.

I have never called for violence against this woman, and have in fact included in every single article a disclaimer stating that I am not calling for violence and condemn anyone who does, making it explicit that anyone who makes such comments will be banned from commenting on my website.

Here is the disclaimer which appears in the sidebar, and thus on every single page on my site:


We here at the Daily Stormer are opposed to violence. We seek revolution through the education of the masses. When the information is available to the people, systemic change will be inevitable and unavoidable.

Anyone suggesting or promoting violence in the comments section will be immediately banned, permanently.”

Your publication cites articles which contained this disclaimer in the sidebar, as well as an extra disclaimer at the top of the article, meaning that there is no way that this defamatory accusation could have been anything other than purposeful.

The Jewish Chronicle and other major Jewish publications who have reported on me have gotten this correct, reporting on my disclaimers, even though they obviously do not agree with my politics.

The fact that you do not agree with my politics does not give you the right to falsely claim that I am engaged in criminal acts. This is a clear violation of the laws which exist against defamation, as well as – obviously – a very serious breach of basic journalistic ethics.

I am in the process of contacting lawyers to address this issue. However, if I am issued a public apology for this shameful attempt to defame me, I will not seek damages. I will also not report you to the various journalistic watchdog organizations, or Google News, unless you fail to issue a prompt public apology. Just so you know, several thousands of my readers will also be submitting these complaints.

On top of this, we will flood social media with this information.

Obviously it would be extremely hypocritical of me to claim that you are without a right to criticize me, even insult me if you so wish. That is your right, and I will not call for action against you if you hurt my feelings as the Berger woman is doing. However, accusing me of crimes, without possessing any evidence, is a criminal act, and you will feel the consequences of this if you refuse to retract your defamatory statements and issue an apology.

Andrew Anglin
Publisher: Daily Stormer

The letter was sent to the following email addresses:,,,,,,,,,,,

I cannot stress enough how important it is that we make it explicitly clear to these people that we will not be pushed around, and that we are not stupid.

So far, The Drum is the only publication I am aware of having literally accused me of a crime thus far.