Mysterious Non-White Cop Goes to Trial for Raping at Least 16 Women While on the Job

Daily Stormer
December 8, 2015

Daniel Holtzclaw, 28, of Oklahoma City
Daniel Holtzclaw, 28, of Oklahoma City

I don’t even care to hazard a guess as to what this man’s ethnic background is.

I will just say that anyone who looks like this shouldn’t be in a position of responsibility. It can only end badly.


A jury is set to deliberate on Tuesday in the case of a former Oklahoma City police officer accused of sexually assaulting and raping 13 women while on the job.

Daniel Holtzclaw, 28, of Oklahoma City is charged with 36 counts of sexual assault, including six first-degree rape counts for attacks on 13 women. He could face life in prison if convicted of the most serious charges and was seen weeping when the judge read out the charges against him.

In closing arguments on Monday, prosecutors said Holtzclaw targeted his victims by singling out women he came across while on patrol. He ran background checks and went after those who had outstanding warrants or previous arrests or who carried drugs or drug paraphernalia, prosecutors said.

They said he did this because he did not think authorities would take the victims’ word over his if he had to defend himself against sexual assault allegations.

“He exercised authority on those society doesn’t care about. Convince these ladies that someone does care about them,” said Assistant District Attorney Gayland Gieger.