Mystery: Meningitis Outbreak in Faggots

Daily Stormer
August 1, 2016


Oh gays. Is there any disease you won’t catch?

Our favorite plague bearers are at it again!

Los Angeles Times:

As cases of meningitis, a rare and potentially fatal disease, popped up in cities nationwide over the past several years, public health officials noticed a trend: many of those infected were gay men.

There’s no known medical reason why meningitis, which is transmitted through saliva, would spread more among gay and bisexual men. Yet New York, Chicago and now Southern California have experienced outbreaks disproportionately affecting that population.

“It is perplexing,” said Dr. Rachel Civen, a medical epidemiologist at L.A. County’s Department of Public Health.

Is it, though?

Maybe it’s because I’m a Nazi, but I don’t find this perplexing at all. It makes perfect sense to me that people who have upwards of 100 sexual partner per year, and catch every STD in the book, would also be vulnerable to a host of other diseases and disorders.

weev recently explained how these faggots are walking disease hazards:

Of the 13 cases of meningitis this year in L.A. County — excluding Long Beach, which has its own health department — seven were gay men. There were only 12 meningitis cases in the county in all of 2015, one of which was a gay or bisexual man.

In Long Beach, there have been six meningitis cases this year, half of which were gay men. Last year there were no meningitis cases in the city, according to city officials.

Civen, who has tracked the county’s meningitis cases for a decade, said it was “pretty striking” that half or more of the cases in both jurisdictions were gay men.


I find it more striking that we’re allowing these diseased creatures to roam free and spread their plague to the rest of society.

The bacteria that causes meningitis is transmitted by swapping saliva, by means such as kissing and sharing drinks. It requires prolonged, close contact and is not as easily spread as the flu, experts say.

Gladstein, who is also an HIV specialist, said he thinks that the cases are likely among men who have multiple sexual partners, engage in anonymous sex and use drugs that make them more susceptible.

“It’s a particular sub-population of gay men,” Gladstein said.

The sub population of gay men who still have a pulse, that is.


Pro-tip: Fags can’t infect anybody if they’re in a bog.

Michael Weinstein, president of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, said he doesn’t think county officials have done enough to warn gay men to protect themselves. He said his organization will soon put up billboards encouraging vaccination.

“We’ve known now for several years that there’s a great disproportion of men who have sex with men who are coming down with meningitis … and nobody has an answer as to why yet,” he said. “Maybe there’s a very simple explanation or maybe there’s a more complicated one, but we don’t know.”

There’s a very simple explanation.

Homos are promiscuous hedonists who engage in the most perverse practices on a regular basis. As a result, their immune systems are overloaded and they’re wracked with diseases.


“What? No! Being gay is perfectly healthy. Just look at me!”

Scientists can figure out the details if they’re interested.

But I’m not.

I just want these people to take their filth elsewhere, away from normal people.

Ideally, in a bog, somewhere.

