NAACP Claims Detroit Water Service Shutoffs were Racist

Daily Slave
July 22, 2014

The Detroit water protests could easily be mistaken for a Planet of the Apes casting call.

We knew it would only be a matter of time before Detroit’s Black residents who recently had their water service shutoff due to non-payment would cry “racism” and blame White people.  Now, the NAACP has filed a lawsuit on behalf of these Blacks claiming that shutting off their service was racially motivated.

This is retarded on a number of levels.  If you don’t pay your bills, you shouldn’t expect to get any service.  This has absolutely nothing to do with the color of someone’s skin.  As obvious as this should be, it is quite apparent that these people don’t even have this basic level of intellectual understanding.

Detroit has been slowly transformed into a third world city the likes of what you would normally see in Africa.  This has been driven by the fact that the city’s population currently consists of over 80% Blacks and that Blacks until just recently have led the city for the past four decades.  The city has literally been occupied and run by Black people for years so it is their own fault that they are in this situation.  Unfortunately, instead of taking responsibility for themselves they seem to think that it is easier just to blame White people for their problems.

They even have the nerve to complain that most of the people having their water service suspended are Black and that this in some strange way proves their claims of racial bias.  According to their own bizarre thought process, the fact that the city is mostly populated by Black people has nothing to do with the fact that Blacks are mostly having their water turned off.

Does anyone else not see how stupid and insane this situation is?  I guess we can expect these apes to loot, steal or break things if their water doesn’t get turned back on.  Although, there probably isn’t much left to loot, steal or break considering the city’s current conditions.

From CBS:

In a class action lawsuit filed against the city of Detroit, the NAACP says that recent water shutoffs to Detroit residents were racially motivated.

The suit filed in Detroit federal court claims, according to Veronica Joyce with the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, “That (the shutoffs are) being done in a discriminatory fashion; and they should at least take a look at whether there’s a better way to do this that doesn’t affect the most vulnerable citizens — the majority of whom are African American here in Detroit.”

Attorney Alice Jennings, who filed the lawsuit on behalf of Detroit residents, said it’s a known fact that there are corporations that owe hundreds of thousands of dollars to the city of Detroit Water and Sewerage Department.

“These companies are basically Caucasian companies,” Jennings said. “The folks who are being cut off are almost one hundred percent African American.”

Asked by WWJ’s Charlie Langton directly if this is a “racial issue,” Jennings replied: “It sure is! You bet it is.”

The Detroit Water and Sewerage Department stopped service to about 7,200 homes and businesses in June, compared to 1,570 in the same month last year. Water was restored to 43 percent after customers paid or worked out payment plans.