Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
January 21, 2014

A recent report conducted by the NAACP says that the banking industry is too White.
The NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) recently wrote a report on the banking industry. It looked particularly at the five largest banks of the United States, which are: Bank of America, Citibank, JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, and U.S. Bank. It “graded” them on how many non-Whites were working for the banks, and how much power those non-Whites had, based on data collected in 2011.
The NAACP’s report “grades” Bank of America, and Citibank a C+, JP Morgan Chase, and Wells Fargo a C, and U.S. Bank a D+.
Interim NAACP President and CEO, Lorraine Miller, said in a statement “Equal opportunity for people of color in the United States remains an unrealized goal, the banking industry will add nearly 1 million jobs with a living wage and wealth generating opportunities over the next decade and more people of color are graduating with degrees in accounting, finance, IT, MBAs than ever before. We look forward to working with leading banks in strengthening their diversity and inclusion efforts and connecting more members of our communities to these opportunities.”
The report was meant to analyze “diversity” in banking, but as we all know by now, “diversity” is nothing more than a codeword for White genocide. Only majority White countries, cities, towns, neighborhoods, and school require this kind of diversity where White people are always the minority.
Anti-Whites all the time make the argument that we should not care about White people existing in the future because “it’s just skin color, and everyone is an individual”. Meanwhile on planet earth . . . an area that is “too White” is pressured from the government, media, academia, and major businesses to become less White . . . because “skin color doesn’t matter”.
Every single argument that is made by an anti-White, may or may not be true, but the whole point is that they want a future world without White children in it. On White Genocide Project instead of calling it “White extinction” (a group dying out by accident), we take a more accurate approach and define it as White genocide (death by design).
The policies that have been put in place; the massive non-White immigration policies, the forced assimilation initiative, and the “hate” speech laws in various countries, are all designed to create a world where Whites vanish into a mixed race, and ONLY White people.
There will still be Black people in Africa, there will still be Oriental people in Asia, and there will still be Muslims in the Middle east.
“Diversity” is just a genocidal scam, and a codeword for less White.