Naked Black Postal Worker Goes Postal Leading to Murder of Two Whites

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
December 26, 2017

This is why we should not allow Blacks to work high-stress jobs.

Or really work any job that isn’t either cotton picking or jazz music.


Deshaune K. Stewart is charged with aggravated murder for the pair of killings.

According to court documents, three witnesses said they saw Stewart, who was naked, shoot 52-year-old Lance Herrera-Dempsey in the Dublin post office shortly before 5 a.m. Herrera-Dempsey was Stewart’s direct supervisor, and Stewart was under investigation by the U.S Postal Service, police said.

Stewart then is accused of fatally shooting 53-year-old Ginger E. Ballard, the Dublin Postmaster, at the Bowland Place apartments in north Columbus. A 3-year-old child was involved in the incident but was safe inside a vehicle, police said.