Naked Emperor: Where is the Racist Conspiracy?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 5, 2014

No, seriously guys.  It's more than skin color.
No, seriously guys. It’s more than skin color.

Racists do exist. I know because I am one.

I am a hardcore racist. I believe that non-white people are genetically inferior. I openly advocate for the removal of non-white persons from White society. I am fully disgusted by the idea of a white woman with a non white man, and will make offensive comments and/or gestures to such couples when I see them on the street. In my private life, I sometimes use the words “nigger,” “wetback,” “kike,” etc.

You can check all the boxes the establishment gives for identifying an evil racist.

The problem here is, my own agenda relates in no way to the agenda of racists portrayed by the media. I, for instance, have no specific desire to see Black people fail at life. In fact, if Blacks are going to live in White society, I find that it would be infinitely preferable to have them behaving in a way in line with White social norms. I would rather them go to school, work normal jobs, behave like generally civilized people.

I don’t desire to kill Black people. In fact, I have compassion for them when I run into them. It is not really fair that they must try to integrate into White society when they are so clearly incapable of doing so. I don’t feel joy when I hear of a black being killed by another black, as happens so often. I realize this is a person, with a mother, who’s life has been lost in a very silly fashion.

Black people's lives are bad enough without my input.  What purpose could I possibly have in trying to make them worse?
Black people’s lives are bad enough without my input. What purpose could I possibly have in trying to make them worse?

And yet, the media accuses people who have no links to racist websites, have never promoted a separatist political platform, have never openly professed National Socialist ideology, of wanting to stop black people from succeeding in life, wanting to hurt their feelings, wanting to murder them for no reason, other than because they are mean people. They are secret racists, and racists of a much different variety than the normal open racists such as myself.

I don’t believe these secret racists exist. If we are going to talk about them, we need some sort of evidence that there are such people in the first place.

And yet, no one has ever tried to present any such evidence. The argument is that if it were not for racism, black people would be on the same level as White people. This argument is only valid if one has already accepted the theory (for which there is no evidence) that “race does not exist.”

Because, yeah – if we are all exactly the same, and black people fail continually, then it logically must be a result of some outside force. The only conceivable culprit is White people.

But what if genetic science is real? What if race actually does exist, and just as there are intelligent and stupid individuals, there are intelligent and stupid genetic groups?

This answer is so much more simple than a secret group of people holding down non-whites for no reason other than that they are fundamentally mean people, is it not?

The low-level retard Eric Holder actually believes - and expects you to agree - that what may be millions of White people are involved in a secret evil conspiracy to hurt Black people's feelings.
The low-level retard Eric Holder actually believes – and expects you to agree – that what may be millions of White people are involved in a secret evil conspiracy to hurt Black people’s feelings for no reason.

The initial fallacy we are dealing with is the Jew Boas theory that somehow everything about the appearance of the races is different, but everything else is exactly the same. Once we get to the point where we are forced to acknowledge the massive body of scientific evidence proving that the races are genetically different from one another, we will finally be able to speak of the issue of racism in real terms.

I am a hardcore racist. I do not want to hurt anyone, emotionally or physically. All that I want is to maintain and progress the society my ancestors built. I wish nothing at all but the best for non-white persons, but simply refuse to accept responsibility for their failures, refuse to allow my own people to be dragged down to their level.

We are living in a dystopian nightmare world where up is down and reality is whatever the government decides it is. But this unconscionable level of ridiculousness simply cannot be sustained indefinitely.

A breakthrough is coming.

The people will know the truth and the truth will set us all free.

Hail Victory.