Naked Somali Woman Found Huffing Hairspray on the Floor of a Walgreens Bathroom

December 12, 2013

Shukri Sheikh Hussein charged with public intoxication and theft by unlawful taking.
Shukri Sheikh-Hussein was charged with public intoxication and theft by unlawful taking.

A Louisville woman faces charges after she was discovered naked from the waist up on the floor of a Walgreens bathroom stall.

Police said Shukri Sheikh-Hussein was locked in the stall, seated on the floor and huffing hairspray from a cloth Friday morning.

According to an arrest report, officers said Sheikh-Hussein failed to respond to their commands to leave the stall, was unsteady on her feet, had heavily slurred speech, unsteady gait and smelled strongly of inhalant.

Witnesses told police she had taken two cans of hairspray from the store without paying for them. The hairspray found in the bathroom with Sheikh-Hussein was valued at $31.55.

She was charged with public intoxication and theft by unlawful taking.