Nancy Pelosi Refuses to Denounce Democrat Negroid’s Kellyanne Conway Blowjob Joke

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 6, 2017

Nancy Pelosi was confronted by Jake Tapper yesterday on a blow-job joke a black Congressman made about now infamous Kellyanne Conway couch photo.

I’m basically whatever as far as blow-job jokes go.

If people want to make blowjob jokes, I’m not going to jump all over them. Probably, they’re inappropriate for a Congressman, but I’m not involved in the social justice industrial complex. When I saw the clip of black Congressman Cedric Richmond making the joke the first time, I was just like “smdh that nasty nigger,” and then didn’t think about it again until now.

Because unlike the joke itself, Nancy Pelosi saying this is okay is a story.

Instead of denouncing the very public blow-job joke by one of her own personal nigger servants, this vile woman started talking about “grab em by the pussy.”

Grab em by the pussy was said in a private conversation between men that was recorded allegedly by accident and then secretly kept for a decade to be used against Donald Trump.

These things are not the same thing.

Richmond’s joke was meant to publicly humiliate a woman by calling her a whore, forcing people to mentally visualize the image of her performing oral sex. Trump’s statements were just a man acting like a man in private company, not intended to hurt anyone – in fact, men make these sorts of raunchy comments among each other as a way of bonding. And even when the comments were released publicly by the Jews, no individual woman was singled out.

The thing is, I don’t think it’s because he’s a member of her own party that she refused to condemn the joke. I mean, that’s part of it. But mainly it’s because he’s black.

Also note that the Oval Office at the time was filled with blacks.

So the joke was racially charged on that level as well.

Feminism is only applied against white men, because it has absolutely nothing to do with protecting women as a sex or defending the feelings of individual women. It is a Jewish program to degrade and subjugate white men.

Note that after five days – five days – of calls for him to apologize, Richmond eventually did apologize. It was after the Pelosi interview.

It took five days.

Conversely, Trump apologized for grab em by the pussy within 2 or 3 hours of when the tape was released. He got on TV as fast as he possibly could, and made the only apology I’ve seen him make in the last two years we’ve been following the guy.