Nanny Cam Captures Outrageous Behaviour of Black Caregiver Beating Vulnerable 92-Year-Old White Grandmother

February 7, 2015

Cathryn Dooly was kicked, yelled at and even bashed in the face with a book by the Black ogre.

A so-called “nanny cam” was likely the key in convicting a Frederick-area caregiver.

On Thursday, a Frederick County judge found 58-year-old Terry Freland guilty of second-degree assault and second-degree abuse of a vulnerable adult after viewing video footage captured by family members concerned about a dementia patient for whom Freland was caring.

The Black ogre, Terry Freland, had been hired as a care giver for the elderly White woman.

In July 2014, court documents obtained by the 7 On Your Side I-Team claimed video captured by the family of Cathryn Dooly showed the 92-year-old dementia patient being abused 21 times over five hours. Charging documents say Freland kicked Dooly, yelled at and threatened her, even hit her across the face with a book. It happened as Freland cared for Dooly at a duplex she shared with her daughter.