Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 7, 2015

We are told that the masses of young Arab men pouring into Europe from Syria are fleeing ISIS. However, a recent survey by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies included 900 Syrian refugees, and found that 13% of them would openly admit they support ISIS.
While 13% support ISIS, another 10% do not have a strongly negative view of the group.
Factoring in both that people would be likely to lie when asked if they support an international terrorist organization and that the ACRPS is almost certainly skewing the numbers (the entire study seems completely faked, in all honesty – designed to give the false impression that most Moslems are against ISIS), being that it is a Moslem organization, we can assume the actual percentage of ISIS supporters among these refugees is much, much higher.
But let’s assume this study is 100% accurate. Even if it is only 13% that support ISIS, Merkel is still bringing hundreds of thousands of ISIS supporters into Europe.
Which seems to me to be at best unwise.
Here’s another interesting bit of information from this survey: the overwhelming majority of Syrian refugees and Arabs generally view US foreign policy negatively.
Obviously. No surprise there. I would say the US policy in the Arab region is objectively negative, in that it is simply Jewish policy.
However, we then have the question: is it logical to bring people who view us as military enemies into our country? 72% of Syrian refugees view us as an enemy. Regardless of whether or not they are right, does it make sense to bring them inside of our base? How could someone even make the argument that this makes sense?
In France and Britain, Overwhelming Majority Love ISIS
If it is true that only 13% of Syrian refugees love ISIS, they are much more reasonable, as a group, than the Arab/Moslem populations of France and Britain, where the overwhelming majority love ISIS.
In France, Newsweek reports:
One in six French citizens sympathises with the Islamist militant group ISIS, also known as Islamic State, a poll released this week found.
The poll of European attitudes towards the group, carried out by ICM for Russian news agency Rossiya Segodnya, revealed that 16% of French citizens have a positive opinion of ISIS. This percentage increases among younger respondents, spiking at 27% for those aged 18-24.
That is, effectively, the entire Moslem population of the country.
In the UK, the situation is not as extreme.
Only about 80% of Moslems support ISIS.
One in seven young British adults has “warm feelings” towards Islamic State, according to a poll.
A tenth of Londoners and one in 12 Scots view Islamic State (Isis) favourably, but sympathy for the militant group reaches its highest levels among the under-25s, the Populus survey found.
Although an overwhelming majority of the public — 88 per cent — gave Isis a low score, 5.2 per cent of 18 to 34-year-olds gave it a nine or a ten. Overall, 14 per cent of under-25s and 12 per cent of 25 to 34-year-olds gave Islamic State a score of between six and ten, implying a degree of sympathy.
If you do the math, it’s at least 80%, maybe higher. Still less than in France, though this is due to there being a lower Arab percentage of the overall Moslem population in the UK (lot of Pakis, Bangladeshis, etc.); there are also likely more Shiites in the UK than anywhere else in Europe.
I don’t have numbers for other European-born Moslem populations, but we can probably assume the support is about the same – between 80% and 100%.
So considering those numbers, the Syrian “refugees” – as well as the Sunni “migrants” from every other country – coming in will be more likely to start supporting ISIS once they live in Europe for a while, and their children growing up in Europe will almost certainly be ISIS supporters.
This data does not jive with the continued claims of the ZOG governments and the Jew media that ISIS is an enemy of true Islam.