Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 27, 2015

Last week, we got big big headlines about dear poor British steroid haji who was banned from taking his sweet little innocent rat children to see Mickey Mouse.

David Cameron got involved, calling us names, saying he was going to investigate it. Huge mess. Everyone was defending this steroid haji who just wanted to ride Splash Mountain and complain about things like any normal annoying British tourist. They were calling America names.

Regrettably, as happens every time, the fantasy story of oppressed brown people victimized by Whitey has quickly collapsed.
Turns out, the friend that steroid haji was meeting is an open terrorist supporter, attending the same terrorist mosque the San Bernardino killers went to.
The British Muslim family banned from entering the U.S. this week were on their way to meet relatives in California who prayed at the same mosque as terrorists Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, who murdered 14 people in San Bernardino this month.
On Tuesday, Mohammad Tariq Mahmood, his brother and nine of their children were pulled from a queue at Gatwick airport by British Border Agency guards and barred from traveling to the U.S. on the instruction of the country’s Homeland Security agency.
He has claimed that they were stopped from traveling to California to visit family and Disneyland merely “because they were Muslim”.
It has now been revealed that his relative in California, Muhammad Mahmood, prayed at the same mosque as U.S.-born terrorist Syed Farook and his Pakistani born wife Tashfeen – believed to be the Tablighi Jamaat-run Dar Al Uloom Islamiyah mosque.
The mosque – linked to the “Army of Darkness” group Tablighi Jamaat which itself has historical, indirect links to multiple terrorism cases – became the centre of the investigation surrounding the San Bernardino terrorist attacks, with Breitbart News reported from the scene early in December, revealing an extraordinary refusal of the mosque’s elders to co-operate with journalists.
Mr. Mahmood (the relative) is a U.S. citizen who runs an auto repair shop in San Bernardino. He told the BBC that he “did not know him [Syed Farook] personally” and would not have recognised the terrorist and could not recall ever speaking to him.
They also were running a terrorist Facebook page using their own home address.
Mohammad Tariq Mahmood, his brother and their nine children were refused permission to board a flight to California at Gatwick Airport despite having already checked in, leaving the family £11,000 out of pocket and in tears.
Initially Mr Mahmood felt his family had been discriminated against because of their religion as the blow came soon after US presidential hopeful Donald Trump called for a ban on all Muslims entering the US.
But now it has emerged his 18-year-old son Hamza Mahmood has been linked to page on social media website Facebook that is alleged to contain extremist material.
The family’s home address has also been linked to the page but Mr Mahmood says it is all a big mistake and his family has no links to extremism.
He said the Facebook page was credited to someone called Hamza Hussain and his son had been implicated as he has a similar name.
The 41-year-old said: “It is not my son’s Facebook page. It has a similar name, but not the same as my son’s. The page is also linked to our home address and that could be coincidence. I don’t know why it is linked there.
“The name is not even the same. The authorities must have linked it simply because of the name Hamza.”
It’s a “coincidence” that your home address is on the page? What does that even mean?
The shocking thing here is that the FBI was apparently actually doing its job.
Cheers, guys.