Nascar Driver Gets SMOTE Over “Nigger-Word” Use by FATHER 35 Years Ago

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
August 26, 2018

“Ye shall inherit the sins of your fathers.”

I always heard that phrase.

Only now do I truly understand what it means.

Fox News:

Lilly Diabetes has parted ways with driver Conor Daly ahead of his NASCAR debut after reports surfaced that his father, Derek Daly, a retired Indy 500 and Formula One driver, used the N-word during an interview in the 1980s.

On August 24, the pharmaceutical company announced they would be ending the sponsorship of the 26-year-old driver ahead of the NASCAR Xfinity race scheduled for August 25. Lilly confirmed in a statement that its partnership with Daly, who primarily races for IndyCar, was intended to raise awareness for treatment options and resources for people living with diabetes.




Those who do not fight, do not deserve to live!

Cue cucking.

Imagine getting in trouble for what your old man said 35 years ago. And then having to pussy-foot around the absurdity of the situation by saying 3rd person inoffensive shit like in that tweet.

Reading normie Twitter, you would think that things just happen to people in America. No one is to blame though. Send prayers please.

The Normie’s Prayer: Lord Gawd, deliver us from these random smitings. Oh, how we quiver in fear! Lord almighty, have mercy on me, a sinner, lest my sins be revealed by thine heavenly messenger: the media, for all the world to see!

But me? Apostate that I am, I would write something with a little more teeth like, “oh my family is having a hard time because we’re getting crucified by the media and our corporate sponsors for no discernable reason.”

But pointing at a subject and saying, “he is to blame,” well, that’s not what normies do, right? Normies ain’t got no fight in them. See, they can tinker with their hobbies. They can chase some tail on Fridays, maybe, once they’ve filled up on Natty Lite, of course. They can drive their cars around in circles. Oh, and how could I forget, they can send “love and prayers”.

That’s pretty much it. That’s the full extent of what normies are capable of.

Just follow orders, no matter how absurd, roll over and die because the media says so. Throw in a couple of “I’m sorry’s” and mention your family, and drawl out a nice “y’all” to really – oompf – you know, to really just… nail it. 

This Nascar guy could have fought. Instead, he stoically! just slunk away with his tail between his legs. Defeated. All because the media smited him.

Life’s like a race though. If you ain’t first, you’re last. 

Not sure if this aphorism applies to the situation, but I’ve noticed that normies don’t really listen to what you say anyway. As long as it sounds good though, and you say it with confidence and authority – kind of like the media! – they’ll nod their heads along with you, and just do what you want them to do.

You know, if I was working for the media, I can’t say that I would be able to resist the urge to fuck with these people.

I mean, at this point, they must be laughing their asses off. They can ruin anybody’s life for any reason whatsoever, and no one does anything about it.

If I were in their shoes, I would just see how far I could take it.

I’d ruin someone’s life for their great-grandpa getting into a verbal disagreement with a Mexican 70 years ago – that’s what I would try to do next. And I would laugh laugh laugh while I did it. The sheer absurdity of the situation would have me in stitches – right up to the point that the masked shooter busted into the board room and leveled the gun at me.

Stepping over the warm corpses of my co-workers (who I probably didn’t like very much anyway), he would advance towards me, chest-heaving, gun rattling in his trembling hand.

He’d tower over me and hold the gun to my temple. “You ruined my life!” he would scream at me, spraying my face with his crazed spittle, the shrieks coming through the hole in his face-covering black wool hat robber thing, where his thin contorted lips trembled.

I would look him right in the crazed eye.

And then I would kick back my black office recline chair, tip my head back and laugh laugh laugh some more.

Because let’s be real.

People like fucking with weak people.

Jews especially love fucking with the weak goyim.

Everyone hates weakness. Everyone hates cowards. Especially people who act tough and then cave. Men who you look up to as a cool dude, or a hero, and then watching them show their true colors, it kills a little part of you to see that.

Not everyone who gets smited by the media will fight back. But when that one guy does, he will instantly become a hero, a meme and a rallying point for Americans everywhere. He’ll probably have a statue dedicated to him in the future ethnostate even.

Normies should approach this whole smiting thing differently. They should see it as a chance. A chance for fame, a chance for martyrdom, a chance to tell the media what they really think about them and where to shove their accusations. People should be lining up to get smited.

I’m waiting for someone to stand up and say: “I’ve got the American people and the President of the United States backing me up, try your worst, you bastards! I’m going to go to war with you. You aren’t going to get me to back down, not one inch!”

For once, I’d actually clap.