National Action: An Interview with Hero Garron Helm

National Action
November 29, 2014


On the 31st of October at 7:30am Garron Helm was released, now for the first time he is able to talk openly about his experience and set the record straight. Garron Helm was charged with misuse of communication services for sending an ‘offensive’ tweet to his Labour MP Luciana Berger and sentenced to 4 weeks – during that time there was a widespread outpouring of sympathy for Garron from around the world, the rage of which was directed towards Miss Berger in a scandal that has plagued the Labour leadership and left the MP for Wavertree feeling ‘isolated’ and ‘sickened’. The events since cannot be fully summarised with exposition other than to note it is important that the man you kindly fought for speaks, before this movement goes on to greater things having found its’ strength.

Garron has been kind enough to grant us this interview to discuss his incarceration and the issues surrounding it.

How are feeling now?

Considering the fact I am still being harassed by ZOG goons after spending two weeks in a category B prison*, 100 miles away from home, locked up with murderers and drug dealers for sending nothing more than a tweet… I feel pretty good. That’s largely down to the support I’ve received from the Nationalist community during my incarceration. A lot of people told me that when you go away, you’re on your own. I can assure you, that wasn’t case.

* A Cat B is a closed high security prison on a scale of a being most secure and D being an open prison.

Some time has elapsed since your release, and you were due to appear on Renegade Broadcasting for an interview, what happened?

Unfortunately I still have not received my laptop or phone which the police took as there is a process. All communication has understandably been really unreliable, and for those concerned I can only apologise. There have been follow up raids to my home that were totally unnecessary and pointless, though no action was taken. In the end I decided that waiting would provoke some kind of mutual agreement, and this appears to have worked. These are a people obsessed with symbolic victories and feeling like they have power over you.

What was the Tweet?

A few months back I came across a picture of Miss Berger on Twitter someone had spliced together, I found it rather amusing because through her own words she revealed her true intentions towards Britain and the British people. According to her, “Labour never failed on immigration”. That warranted my response, “You can always trust a Jew to show their true colours eventually.” That was followed by three hashtags, “#Liverpool #Labour #HitlerWasRight”. I’m a National Socialist, so there’s no need to go into great detail about my reasons for sending the tweet.

Why do you think they went after you?

We all know who and what we’re facing here, let’s not kid ourselves, it’s the usual suspects and the game is the same. The only difference here is there’s no need for them to hide anymore, they can openly promote our genocide because they know the majority White men/women lack the will to care and the spine to fight back. They didn’t bank on National Action popping up though… Judging from the harassment we’re receiving from the state, it’s like they’re seeing brown shirts all over again. I don’t question that what we are doing is right, what happened to me is unfortunate but they are having to resort to corrupt and illegal methods.


What happened when the police came?

On the 26/9/14 I was woke to the sound of banging at my door. I opened it under the assumption it was one of my sisters but was greeted by a man and woman both waving CID badges in my face. I thought to myself, ‘here we go again’. Usually these people just turn up to question you and let you know you’re being closely monitored, but that wasn’t the case. Upon entering I was immediately placed in handcuffs and demanded to see a warrant. The officer presented me with a piece of paper which stated that because I allowed him to enter the property, he was able to detain me and conduct a search. If I’d told both of them to fuck off, which I will be doing in the future, they would not have been able to search the property and steal my personal possessions. They confiscated an SS flag, a Blood & Honour flag, a National Action flag, a bunch of NA stickers, a few badges, and some sim cards as well as my phone. Hardly a shrine to the Third Reich? But the papers would have you believe otherwise.

I was in custody for 11 hours and charged with sending a malicious communication. In other words I hurt some rich, liberal tosser online.

Do you think you had a fair trial?

I can honestly state that I was not given a fair trial. The judge did exactly what he was told to do like a good goy. I did not promote violence or incite hatred, yet they sent me down for practicing my right to freedom of speech.

It was clearly a set up because they were very careful to avoid that issue, strangely it was the so called “Nazi memorabilia” that led to my conviction. The judge said my SS flag proved my true motivations for sending the tweet rendering my defence useless. They didn’t even allow me to speak. Once the prosecution mentioned National Action the judge adjourned for ten minutes and then returned with the verdict. I’m confident that if they hadn’t found anything at my home there would have been no grounds for imprisoning me.

The media reported you as being remorseful, are you?

I’m not sorry in the slightest. I stand by my words and my ideals.

As part of your defence submitted an apology to the vile sow, would you like to elaborate on the circumstances?

I did what I had to under the advice of my solicitor in order to receive a lesser punishment. I have since been avenged for having to do this, and all the so-called ‘abuse’ she has received since my imprisonment is solely on her. This woman confirmed everything I’ve been lead to believe, and validated my statements through her actions.

Would you have done anything differently?

I wouldn’t have done anything differently because I believe I’ve done nothing wrong. I’m proud to have put myself out there for National Action and everyone who considers themselves a genuine Nationalist.

Was there any way you could have fought this case, such as through a jury trial?

No, my only option was a stitch up, if the case could have been judged before my peers I feel sure I would have been a free man. My solicitor was a good man, but that being said I think he highly underestimated the case and didn’t do much to oppose the verdict once it had been handed down. I was told I could appeal in a few days but once I arrived at prison and got my head down I just decided to ride it out.


What was Prison like?

It was rough; I had murderers, drug dealers, sex offenders and all other kinds of criminals on my wing. You can imagine how I felt once I realised I had to deal with them for two weeks. If you don’t prepare yourself for it mentally on the way up there you’ll fold and end up someone’s bitch.

My advice to anyone who suffers my fate is remember what you’re fighting for and why you’re there. That will get you through it. I was tested by screws and cons alike to see how I’d react under pressure, but as I’ve said many times before, National Socialists are model human beings and we know how to conduct ourselves in any given situation. I was asked many times if I were English, many were under the assumption I was German or Dutch due to the nature of my crime and my name, which is Germanic in origin. I’m proud of my Anglo-Saxon heritage, hence the Saxon name I chose for myself amongst the Nationalist community, Aethelwulf.

The Daily Mail and some other media outlets described you as a loner, is there validity to this claim?

I built a new social circle from hundreds of great individuals that believe in a cause. That makes me a loner in the eyes of a stagnant and morally decadent Western society. ‘Isolation’ is what I chose because I dug through all the lies and bullshit to find the one and only hope for our people… National Socialism. I noticed the paper mentioned my father’s death. What they failed to mention his how he died in order to save his friend’s life. Maybe that’s why I put so much stock in martyrdom.

The papers have also claimed you were expelled from college, though they do not say for what. Would you discuss this?

I was expelled from college because Special Branch decided Nationalists aren’t allowed to pursue a higher form of education and they colluded with my school. They’re reason for ruining my education was down to a sticker campaign I started in Southport College for National Action, which just so happened to be getting a lot of attention from the other students. As Ian Stuart stated, they want young white men begging on the dole. They were horrified by the thought of educated Nationalists like myself, they’re used to dealing will baldy piss-heads, not real Fascists. Expelled for putting up a sticker I won my appeal, only to have that reversed by their own connivance.

How do you feel about the coverage overall?

I think it has reflected well on us, the reaction of most people in comments even leftist sites has been to support my rights and express disgust at my treatment. Though they attempted to push character assassination they allowed in-discrepancies to seep through that instantly struck a chord with ordinary people who know how responsive the police are – when you report a crime in Liverpool you will be given a ‘crime number’ and told to wait. The past month has not only seen my fast tracked conviction, but armed police, mass arrests and forensics against a ‘tiny’ non-violent protest group.


What did you think of the Twitter campaign and the reaction to it?

I knew there’d be some backlash if I went away, but I had no idea until I was released that it would spark this prolonged international event, I am proud of this ongoing ‘interaction’ I started. What is so great is that the campaign survives purely off the arrogance and ego of it’s ‘victims’ and their inability to let anything go. The pointless cruelty in my case was a spark, however I am shocked just how stupid politicians are. I swear if they could have ignored this thing for a week it would have ended, instead they are prolonging it by lavishing greater and more consistent coverage. Listen morons, we have the first amendment on our side, so we will always win no matter what.

I have the funniest image of Luciana Berger going to Twitter’s headquarters and making these demands. I wonder what they think of this woman from England demanding they completely restructure their site because ‘Oh god oh god I can’t handle a hashtag’.

Yes, Labour in all sorts of ways have been trying to capitalise on this case with lots of vocal statements crying anti-Semitism and demanding tougher speech laws – thoughts?

I think this case must have been what they were waiting for, because I noticed that they’d been silent since the Rotherham abuse scandal came to light. Labour is a dying horse just waiting to be put out of its misery, they’ve become a National laughing stock. I’m glad to know we’ve got that deeply under their skin.

Has prison deterred you?

The day after my release I was due to attend a demonstration in Liverpool. Now known as the ‘Liverpool 10’ my friends were rounded up on trumped up charges that they were there to cause criminal damage. The idea that they were going to invite me to a crime scene is ridiculous, they would have been on their best behaviour and the failure of the police to recover any evidence supports this. Politicians like John Mann capitalised on this before the media were even able to report on it, and the week followed with an attack on Sigurd Legion, a movement National Action allied itself with earlier this year. According to them we’re training for a race war in the Welsh mountains with assault rifles and knives. LOL.

I think all this is a last desperate conspiracy by the system to stop National Action before it ‘got out of hand’. They will fail and I hope everyone involved will sue the absolute living fuck out of these criminals. Soon we will be unstoppable.

Needless to say I am undeterred.

Confiscated at the scene; A banner bearing our organisation’s name and website proving intent to legitimate protest.