National Action Hold Meeting in Birmingham City Center

National Action
August 14, 2014

Smash Communism

Last Saturday saw between 35-40 National Action activists and supporters gather in a Birmingham city centre venue. Speakers included representatives from Sigurd, Western Spring and British Movement.

The delegate from Sigurd spoke on the need to be physically able to defend ourselves from attacks by our political opponents. Furthermore, he expounded on the aesthetic benefits that focusing on physicality can have on both the individual and the collective. There was also a question and answer session afterwards which touched on the upcoming Culture Camp and how physical training had impacted on the ability of the Ukrainian nationalists to effectively challenge a tyrannical government.

Second up was Max Musson from Western Spring. His speech focused on an assessment of how National Action had progressed thus far, together with an appraisal of how a group like ours can fit into a wider, multifaceted movement. Finishing off with reinforcing the need for National Action to maintain its current trajectory and become the nucleus for a real Nationalist street movement.

The last speaker on the bill was Steve Frost from British Movement. Steve’s speech focused on what BM is doing with regards to building the NS counter-culture and on why National Socialism is the only plausible solution to our country’s current ills. The importance of uncompromisingly pushing the 14 words was also heavily emphasised. He mentioned how BM had starting building the foundations of an NS folkish community in the annual Sunwheel festival. A recording of Steve’s speech can be found below: