National Action Investigate University of Warwick

National Action
October 7, 2014


Last Saturday saw a contingent of NA activists gather in Coventry city centre with the intention on traveling to the University of Warwick to occupy a lecture theatre. This was in response to the university taking disciplinary action against a nationalist student.

3 comrades who were scouting the area were accosted by plain clothes police officers who didn’t want us on campus – we took this to mean we should come back later when they would be gone. So instead National Action headed directly to Coventry University, where they were able to gain access to the main Student Union building even though it is supposed to be a secure site. Inside, they were able to run rampage – NA posters and leaflets were everywhere. Our youthful appearance and a partially true story that we were amateur film makers made this possible. Foreign students were told where they could go and our banner was unfurled from the top floor overlooking the main reception area.

Afterwards, we headed into the main shopping precinct where we flashed two locations; a busy shopping street, the next was a bank on one of the city’s main tributaries. Leaflets were distributed and speeches were given, both were received well by the general public and we were met with no opposition.


Then we proceeded to an old haunt of ours, a local restaurant that had been selling Halal meat to its customers without telling them. Unlike last time, we were able to block off the entrance to the premises. One manager in particular was extremely belligerent, however he was soon cooled down by the silver tongue of one of our activists. We were also able to procure some of the restaurant’s vouchers which were torn-up in front of the management.

The group travelled back to Warwick University later in the afternoon, where they had free range of the entire campus. As they went along, NA propaganda was distributed, leftist materials were destroyed and numerous hipsters were triggered by our presence and probably wrote about it on their blogs that night. The campus was busy, but somehow we couldn’t find any of the 200 brave social justice warriors who demonstrated against national action a few months before. Warwick boasts an Antifa group and a large anti-racism society yet even though we proudly displayed our flags and our ideals nobody opposed us. We have now marched through three universities, the leftist fear and outrage that actions like this have generated will carry our message to the students who will be given the choice of supporting a middle class establishment hugbox for the socially retarded – or the coolest bunch of neo nazis ever. So long as we continue to put in an appearance now and then it is going to be a coup.