National Bugle Radio: On the Brink of War with Russia… But what About Trump’s taxes?

Daily Stormer
October 7, 2016


Dr. Patrick Slattery and Reverend Mark Dankof talk about the collapse of diplomacy between the United States and Russia, and the growing risk of a Russo-American war. They present evidence that the United States is part of a Zionist led alliance that supports ISIS and is aimed at regime change, not just in Syria but also in Russia.

They point out that the Secretary of State and top generals are in open mutiny against the hapless Obama, undermining his and Kerry’s negotiated cease fire with a blatant attack on the Syrian Army in coordination with ISIS. Reverend Dankof quotes Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Dunford as bluntly stating that the imposition of a no fly zone in Syria, which everyone from Hillary to Pence supports, but Trump opposes, would mean war with Russia.

We are on the brink of Armageddon, yet the Zio Media is fixated on slandering Trump with everything from tax returns to Miss Universe’s weight problems. This show contains vital information and analysis that you just won’t find anywhere else!



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