Henry Davenport
White Genocide Project
April 14, 2014

In The Changing Face of America, an October, 2013 article that continues to be widely referenced, National Geographic gives us samples of the mixed-race faces we can expect to see in America in 2050, and the article exults in this conclusion:
If we can’t slot people into familiar categories, perhaps we’ll be forced to reconsider existing definitions of race and identity, presumptions about who is us and who is them. Perhaps we’ll all end up less parsimonious about who we feel connected to as we increasingly come across people like Seda, whose faces seem to speak that resounding line from Walt Whitman’s “Song of Myself”:
“I am large, I contain multitudes.”
The article is a smooth piece of anti-white propaganda throughout, following the path of the TV series “All in the Family” (Archie Bunker) in sympathetically incorporating the resistant attitude of many Whites, while pointing those recalcitrants firmly in the anti-white direction they’re meant to take:
It’s a step toward fixing a categorization system that, paradoxically, is both erroneous (since geneticists have demonstrated that race is biologically not a reality) and essential (since living with race and racism is).
The biological unreality of race would be a surprise to mixed race patients who are dying for lack of suitable bone marrow donors:
Mixed-race patients struggle for donors » Knoxville News Sentinel
But National Geographic could care less about the multitude of such truths, since one of its goals is to hammer in anti-white propaganda.
Note how matter of factly the more recent lie, “(since geneticists have demonstrated that race is biologically not a reality),” is attached to the older truth-and-lie, “(since living with race and racism is)”
In the phrase, “(since living with race and racism is),” National Geographic smoothly equates the truth, that living with race is basic, to the lie of “racism” (a word that has been fundamentally a lie since its invention by Leon Trotsky, since in addition to all the other falsehoods that have been attached to it, it asserts fundamentally that racial feeling is a learned pathology rather than an innate human trait that evolved to protect the survival of human groups).
Anti-whites are careless in the arrogance of their triumph, and in their hunger to have the complete “scoop” in any media story, they include truths such as this bit in the National Geographic article:
A recent Cheerios commercial featuring an interracial family prompted a barrage of negative responses, including claims of white genocide and calls for “DIEversity.”
Anti-whites are helping us hammer our truthful pro-white meme, “White Genocide”!
Anti-whites are so confident that they are quite happy to help us hammer our own pro-White memes if we just give them the opportunity!
The White House has been helping us hammer these pro-White memes for a year and a half:
White GeNOcide
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white
Diversity is a code word for White Genocide
Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans, White countries for EVERYBODY?
When these memes have been thoroughly driven into the public domain and have become a part of everyday conversation, Whites will be living in a different world.
Become Stalwarts and spend less than 5 minutes of mouse clicks on the FIRST of each month making it happen!