National Geographic Supports Child Abuse, Features 9-Year-Old Tranny on Cover

Daily Stormer
December 19, 2016

Avery Jackson was five-years-olds when he started living as a transgendered freak.

According to Mirror, he started questioning his gender when he was four, and even tried to cut his own penis off because it was, ‘in the way.’

Avery started wearing dresses when he was around 4-years-old, and then wanted to start wearing them full time.

There’s no logic behind thinking that he knew he wasn’t supposed to be a boy simply because of his actions as a toddler. Kids do really weird/strange things. It doesn’t shock me in the slightest that a little kid would attempt to cut off it’s own penis. The child is curious and testing the boundaries, this is nothing new.

If a parent catches their son trying to dismantle their genitals, that is when the parent is supposed to do their job and educate the child that it’s an important part of their body, and that it’s an important part of making them who they are – a boy.

Avery pretending to know what it’s talking about

The parents make it sounds so dramatic by saying they ‘hid all the sharp objects’ but who lets a young kid near sharp objects? This is standard procedure. Why? Because they can’t think about outcomes and will probably cut a finger off.

We shouldn’t let children change their genders for the same reason they aren’t allowed to get a tattoo. A child is not old enough to establish and know who they are. They chop and change, go through fads and stages, and then grow out of them.

One more transgendered little girl is one less future white male 

Little girls now become boys because of what was once known as the tomboy stage. Instead of waiting for the girl to get over the tomboy stage, it is now taken as a serious life decision and apparently confirms that they should’ve been a boy.

Little boys go through stages of exploring girly things, but it’s nothing more than that- a stage. Boys are especially drawn to nail polish and playing dress ups if they have older sisters.

National Geographic is promoting child abuse by putting a victim of child abuse on it’s cover and making it out to be some amazing thing.

Excuse me for not seeing this as ‘progressive’

Avery’s parents can pretend they’ve done right by their child, but they’ve doing nothing more than sign him up for a long life full of psych visits.


In an effort to shed more light on a topic that has been at the center of social and political debates all year, National Geographic will be debuting a new magazine and accompanying documentary dedicated to examining gender around the world.

Avery Jackson, a nine-year-old girl from Missouri, graces the cover of the magazine, making her the first transgender person to be on the cover of National Geographic.

We wanted to look at how traditional gender roles play out all over the world, but also look into gender as a spectrum. There’s lots of coverage on celebrities, but there wasn’t an understanding on real people and the issues we face every day in classrooms or workplaces in regards to gender.

The magazine issue, titled “Gender Revolution,” covers a wide range of topics, from examinations of traditional gender roles and rituals of manhood or womanhood, to conversations with people who do not identify with these traditional roles. While putting together this January issue, National Geographic spoke with more than 100 children and teens around the world.

Being transgender is not something to be celebrated, it’s a mental illness and the suicide rates are through the roof. Those who get surgery usually end up killing themselves or otherwise live a life full of depression and regret.

Is nobody concerned with the mental state of a child who is brainwashed from a young age that they should behave like the opposite gender?

Avery appears to have only ever experienced life as a girl, what clue does he have about being a boy?

There’s no such thing as ‘genders’ but being a girl automatically means dresses and wearing pink when it concerns transgender victims.

And if a child wants to dress up as a dinosaur, what do we do with that? Are they not a human but an animal? Were they born in the wrong body? From the video of Avery speaking, he seems to really love dressing up as animals. Maybe he’s not really a girl but an animal? Why is nobody exploring this?

The Jewish owned media should halt their gay agenda for five seconds to show support for those that are supposed to be animals.

Yes Goy, express yourself.

It was good to see that the reaction to National Geographic normalizing child abuse was far from accepting. People took to Twitter and Facebook to show their disgust and even called for others to boycott the magazine, which I also heavily recommend doing.

So when Avery is a grown ‘woman’ and commits suicide (or at least attempts it) because nobody genuinely helped him with his gender identity disorder, National Geographic can pat themselves on the back for encouraging his downfall.