National Review Subscribers’ Average Age is 66

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 26, 2016

Honey, check out the words on the screen of this latest Apple product which I bought without even thinking about it due to the massive wealth I acquired before we totally destroyed the American jobs market: Jonah Mountain of Gold says that Trump is against principles and ideologies. I guess they’re going to have to shut him down.

Over at Occidental Dissent (which has been especially great lately, I must say), Hunter has dug up the demographics of the National Review’s subscribers.

It’s a lol:

Who is subscribing to the National Review? A bunch of rich old White men over half of whom are in the seventies and tend to live inside the Beltway. Out of touch?

Male – 81.4%
Median Age – 66 years old
Ages 15-54 – 18% of subscribers
Household Net Worth over $1 million dollars – 34.4%
Household Net Worth over $250,000 – 78.6%

Probably a quarter of National Review subscribers are senile. No wonder they are always carrying on about the Gipper. It is still 1984 for much of their audience.

Note: I strongly suspect that a large percentage of National Review subscribers are either already dead or will be by the 2016 election.

And of course they are all boomers. These are the people who flushed our entire history down the drain in the name of feeling good.

These are the hippies, the capitalists, the evangelical zionists, the consumerists. They are the most selfish, entitled people to ever exist.

They created the abortion/heroin/NEET generation, then blamed them for having been created.

Now, they are angry that a younger generation is standing up and attempting to save the almost entirely submerged ship of White civilization, and are trying to shut it down.

Boomers now:


Their kids now:
