National Review: The SPLC Has Become a Dangerous Joke

Lauritz Von Guildhausen
Daily Stormer
July 14, 2017

We all knew it would happen eventually.

In a rare instance of insight, uber-cuck, former Presidential Candidate and National Review writer David French catches a glimpse of what the (stunning and brave) New World Order thinks about Christianity White Supremacy. The inkling came as French saw mainstream media headlines describing the event he had just attended as hosted by an “Anti-LGBT Hate Group” by the name of Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF).


Upon seeing the group so described, French immediately confessed.

National Review:

I’m a hater lurking at a convention of haters. Our thoughtcrimes are clear and inexcusable. I’m at a meeting of Christians who believe the Bible is true, who believe that mankind is fallen and in need of a Savior, and who believe that we should live according to certain moral rules — including rules that govern sexual conduct.

The French family and their Negro servant (2017, colorized)

Following this shocking confession, French continued to outline the homophobic and bigoted agenda of the hate rally he had attended:

This may come as a shock to some readers, but there are apparently millions upon million of people like us in these United States. There are even — imagine this! — elected officials who share these vile beliefs. We tend to gather together once per week, we form groups that advocate for life and liberty, and we sometimes even attend conventions where we discuss legal and cultural trends.

He even went as far as to insinuate that some of the attendees were Nazis:

We heard one man’s voice break as he told the story of how his father fought across Europe and helped liberate a concentration camp from Nazi control — and now his son is called a “Nazi” in part because he wants all people to enjoy the same rights of conscience and wants no man or woman to be coerced into supporting events they find immoral.

As well as FBI agents:

In other words, it was just like your basic Klan rally in rural Alabama, circa 1954.

So what does French think of this organization which has uncovered his secret right-wing views?

Let’s be clear. The Southern Poverty Law Center, the “civil rights watchdog group” that ABC and NBC so prominently cite, has become a dangerous joke. It’s a joke because the very idea that Christians are members of a “hate group” merely because they advocate for orthodox Christian principles and the liberty to live those principles is so intellectually and ideologically bankrupt that it’s barely worth addressing.

But the joke’s not funny anymore. In our polarized times, radicals use the SPLC’s hate-group designations to justify violence. Politicians and corporations use the designation to marginalize and punish good men and women. Not long ago the Family Research Council narrowly avoided mass murder when a man tried to attack its headquarters. He was inspired in part by the SPLC’s hate-group designation, and his plan was to shoot FRC employees and stuff Chick-fil-A sandwiches into their dead, bleeding mouths.

The SPLC is using its speech to inflict harm, to express its own form of hate, and to spread misinformation and deception throughout the land.

All this sounded extremely promising and I will admit I was ready to accept this extremely motivated racist’s help in fighting the SPLC, which as you all know, is currently suing the Daily Stormer for revealing their politically motivated extortion scheme.

So what was David’s Final Solution?

The media should stop using it as a source.

That’s it? Aw weak. Come on man, I thought you were getting serious about this.

May I suggest cavalry charges instead?

Unfortunately, he continued:

Unless the SPLC again starts focusing on its original valuable mission of exposing and combating racist terrorists and white supremacists. Enough is enough.

Oh for fuck’s sake. Someone save me from these eternal cuckolds. Seriously cucks, you’re trapped on this ship with us whether you like it or not, so either start rowing or get thrown overboard.

Trump was just the beginning.