National Rights for Jewland, But What About Everywhere Else?

Max Musson
Western Spring
November 27, 2014

Why is this only allowed in Israel?

In a move that some observers  have likened to the enactment of the so called ‘Nuremberg Laws’ by National Socialist Germany in 1935, the Israeli cabinet have by a 14 to 7 majority,  approved a controversial bill that officially defines Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people.

The new legislation is designed to reserve “national rights” for Jews only and to deny such rights to minority groups; Arab Muslims and Christians, who currently comprise 20% of Israel’s population. It asserts Israel’s Jewish character as a fundamental facet of the state and seeks to institutionalise Jewish law as the basis for all future Israeli legislation.

The bill, which still requires the Knesset’s approval to become a law, comes as tensions between Israelis and Palestinians rise sharply, and friction within Israel’s Arab minority grows.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has argued that the law is necessary because people are challenging the notion of Israel as a Jewish homeland.

“There are many who are challenging Israel’s character as the national state of the Jewish people. The Palestinians refuse to recognise this and there is also opposition from within”, he said.


Netanyahu reportedly confirmed that Israeli Jews would enjoy rights that will be denied to minority groups. He said that while all could enjoy equal civil rights, “there are national rights only for the Jewish people – a flag, anthem, the right of every Jew to immigrate to Israel and other national symbols.”

Furthermore, referring to Palestinian freedom fighters Netanyahu said, “It cannot be that those who harm Israel, those who call for the destruction of the state of Israel, will enjoy rights like social security”.

Some critics have condemned the proposed measures as racist, however nationalists will appreciate the desire of Jews to retain Israel as an ethnic homeland although we can’t help but comment upon the clear double standard demonstrated by Zionist Jews in the Diaspora, who prominently campaign in favour of the abolition of national identity and the acceptance of multiculturalism where the nations of Europe and the West are concerned, but who simultaneously defend the right of Jews to maintain the state of Israel as an ethnic homeland.

Regular readers of this forum will recall an earlier article in which the state of Israel has demonstrated that providing the political will exists, and contrary to what leftist and ethnic minority rights groups in this country may claim, nations can successfully adopt policies of ethnic or racial nationalism, including compulsory repatriation.