William Martel
Daily Stormer
July 25, 2015

National Youth Front has claimed responsibility for the recent California stickercaust, posting the following on their Facebook page:
Looks like our activists are so active raising awareness of #WhiteGenocide that they made the news in OC. Of course the #AntiWhite journalist used anti-white hate speech to describe our message about massive immigration and forced assimilation as “supremacist.” But we all know that accusations like “nazi, racist, supremacist” are just anti-white hate slurs. Anyways, this is how simple it can be to get out our message to a larger audience. What are you doing to get involved? http://blogs.ocweekly.com/navelgazing/2015/07/white_power_yorba_linda_anti-racist_hitler.php
I’m not surprised. Since that founding of the National Youth Front, the organization has grown rapidly and has even gone international. It seems some members in California have decided to spice things up a bit by using non-NYF material to help continue spreading the message of white genocide.
What I like about NYF is that they have no problem teaming up with other organizations to do activism, as we have seen before when they teamed up with Trad Youth to troll Appalachian State University in operation “Bully Board.” In this case, NYF decided to help spread stickers for White Genocide Project; including ones for Anti-Racist Hitler, which seemed to have triggered the feels of our enemies because once the name “Hitler” is mentioned in any context whatsoever, it’s an automatic shoah.
This Californiacaust, which has hurt the feels of Gustavo Arellano, the author of the OC Weekly article, shows how stupid and sensitive these anti-white mestizos are. Gustavo says the concept of White genocide is invalid without actually offering any reasons why. He calls people who fight against White genocide “neo-Nazi losers.”
Well Gus, unfortunately for you, no one cares about your feelings. You should get used to the fact that White people will only continue to wake up and fight the Mexification of America, whether you like it or not. Maybe its time for you to stop crying, pack your bags, put on your sombrero and head for the border?
Viva la raza blanco!