Nationalist Front National Leading Polls in France

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 10, 2013


Though we have all been disappointed by some of Le Pen’s back-tracking on the Jewish question, it cannot be seen as anything other than a good thing that the French nationalist party which she heads, Front National, is polling in first place, according to the leftist magazine Le Nouvel Observateur.

This demonstrates that the French people are simply fed up with the invasion, and drawn to anyone who is willing to address it.


I don’t personally think that Marine Le Pen, with her “Jews are French people” statements, is going to offer a real solution to nation, but this demonstrates that the mindset is there, and that the French will soon be ready for something in the vein of Golden Dawn and Jobbik, which addresses the real problem head-on.

Maybe her niece, Marion, also a party member and MP, will go hardcore against the Jews.

Marion Le Pen.
Marion Le Pen.

Remember that France was also the most hardcore hold-out on the global queer marriage push.  Well, except the Slavs.  But it is hard to count the Slavs.

France has a long history of powerful nationalism, and this is a sign that they may be going to work things out before it is too late.  The barrier of political correctness has already been broken through.  That was the hardest part.