Nationalist Probable Next Austrian PM Says He’ll Close Italian Border

The New Observer
April 28, 2016

First round Austrian presidential election winner, the Freedom Party’s Norbert Hofer, has called for the closing of the Brenner border post with Italy to halt the nonwhite invasion.

“We have no option but to close the border,” he said, adding that there were no genuine “refugees” in his country at all, because even the real ones had passed safe countries to get to Austria.



Speaking at his first official press conference since winning the first round of the elections last Sunday, Hofer said he took no pleasure from the idea of closing the Brenner Pass border.

“We have no other options. We must now do everything [on our borders] which the Schengen borders are supposed to be,” he said, meaning that the Italian government had failed to protect its borders.

Asked by a leftist journalist about the “plight of the refugees” who might be affected by the border closure, Hofer then declared that there were not really any genuine refugees anyway.

“One most note that only about 20 percent of those affected are genuine refugees, and even they have passed through many safe countries to get here,” he said.

This correct logic invokes all international treaties on asylum which state clearly that asylum seekers have right of asylum in the nearest safest territory—and those crossing over several safe territories are no longer “asylum seekers.”

Remarkably, this is the same logic being applied in the “EU-Turkey” deal negotiated by Angela Merkel, which says that Turkey is a “safe” country—and that is why all “asylum seekers” landing in Greece can be sent back Turkey.

Of course, the controlled media has not pointed out that this logic means that there are in fact no genuine asylum seekers in Europe at all—because they have all come from “safe” countries. However, this same media lost no time in criticizing Hofer and his party for making this exact point.

Hofer also called for the immediate deportation of all “asylum seekers” who commit any sort of crime. “If someone does anything [criminal], then they have forfeited their right to [even be considered for] asylum,” he said.

Asked about his prospects for the May 22 second round, Hofer said that he was “very confident” of winning the runoff against the Green Party’s Alexander Van der Bellen.

He reiterated his position that if elected president, he would dismiss any government which failed to protect the country. At the same time, he undertook to appoint any government which appeared to have the majority support as evidenced in an election.

He then once again criticized Van der Bellen who has declared that he would under no circumstances appoint an FPÖ government, even if that party won an election.



A map of regions won by Hofer in the first round.

At the same press conference, FPÖ leader HC Strache strongly criticized the media for deliberately sending out false “opinion poll results” before the first round which predicted that Van der Bellen would easily win the vote.

“The media completely deviated from any accurate assessment of Norbert Hofer’s chances at the beginning of the campaign,” Strache said, adding that this was obviously a deliberate attempt to manipulate public opinion.

Asked about the Brenner Pass border closure issue, Strache said that controlling the borders was “the responsibility of Rome. If however, Rome does not comply [with the demands to seal the EU borders], we are forced to act.”

The closure of the Brenner Pass on the Italy-Austria border would cause “very serious damage” to the European Union, Transport and Infrastructure Minister Graziano Delrio said this week.

“The closure of the Brenner Pass would cause very serious damage to the economy and transport, but also to the European Union because the Brenner Pass is the symbol of European integration,” Delrio said.

Austria has begun building a barrier along its side of the Brenner Pass at the border with Italy.

Meanwhile, a Catholic bishop who controls church land on the Austrian border has refused permission to the government to build a fence on the country’s southern border with Hungary.

The barrier near Moschendorf, one of a number of government measures meant to be completed by June, is set to be several miles long, but crosses two Church-owned properties.

Aegidius Zsifkokvics, bishop of Eisenstadt, said that a “fence would contradict the spirit of the Gospel, and Pope Francis’s clear message to Europe,” he said, going on to lie blatantly by claiming that one of the reasons for the nonwhite invasion was “the exploitation of African raw materials and agriculture by European firms.”