Heritage and Destiny
October 17, 2014

More than 120 Nationalists from a broad range of parties and factions gathered in the old English city of Preston, Lancashire, on 11th October 2014 for the ninth annual John Tyndall Memorial Meeting. The commemoration was hosted by Heritage and Destiny in memory of JT, former chairman of the National Front, founder of the British National Party, and the foremost racial nationalist leader of the modern British era. This year we also remembered our loyal comrade and H&D Patron Robert Smith, a veteran nationalist who served in 1940s Palestine with the Parachute Regiment – he died on September 4th, aged 87.

Among the organizations represented at this year’s memorial were (in alphabetical order): A.K. Chesterton Trust, Blood & Honour, British Movement, British Democratic Party, British National Party, Church of the Creator, Heretical Press, National Action, National Front, New British Union, Northern Patriotic Front and Telling Films (sorry if I’ve missed any out). The audience ranged in age from nine months to 90, including representative from all four of the United Kingdom’s nations, travelling from across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. One H&D subscriber came all the way from Maryland, USA!

The meeting was again ably chaired by former BNP West Midlands organiser Keith Axon, a three-time parliamentary candidate who was a founder member of the BNP and a friend of the Tyndall family for many years.
On the morning of the meeting, the Lancashire Evening Post printed a prominent article by Laura Wild under the headline ‘Far right group due to hold memorial meeting in city’. Click on the photo below to enlarge.

Our opening speaker was Andrew Brons, former Member of the European Parliament for Yorkshire and Humber. Andrew welcomed the broad church of nationalism represented at the Preston meeting. He acknowledged that racial nationalist parties were presently overshadowed by UKIP, but pointed out that the heavily promoted Nigel Farage was actually pro-immigration. Our various parties and movements could each contibute in different spheres – whether cultural or directly political – to the advance of a genuine nationalist alternative.

Dr Jim Lewthwaite – Lancashire and Yorkshire organiser of the British Democratic Party and former Bradford city councillor – underlined the importance of our ethnic nationalist stance. Borrowing the title of Lenin’s pamphlet What is to be Done? – written in 1901 just before his movement split to create the Bolshevik Party, and at a time when Russia’s revolutionary movement seemed likely to remain an obscure and marginal force – Jim maintained that our movement to save Britain from multiracial suicide had potential for rapid growth. Activists should now be constructing the foundations for that imminent nationalist renaissance.

Richard Edmonds – for many years John Tyndall’s right-hand man in the British National Party and now a member of the National Front Directorate – acknowledged that the racial nationalist movement was presently in crisis, largely due to the implosion of the BNP, whose chairman for the past fifteen years, Nick Griffin, was now engaged in yet another bitter civil war with his former comrades. Meanwhile the colonisers of Britain are ever more arrogant in the public display of their ascendency. The recent Rotherham scandal being only the latest example.

Alex Davies of the new NS youth group National Action brought a message of resistance to that alien ascendency. Young people subjected to ever more intense multiracial brainwashing in our colleges and universities are defying the internationalist establishment’s agenda. John Tyndall’s political legacy lives on even in a generation that was still at primary school when he died.

Simon Sheppard of Heretical Press spoke on the nature of controversy – a topic on which he is well qualified, having been imprisoned four times for political ‘crimes’. Simon explained the process by which human beings sub-consciously calculate whether risks are worth taking – though nationalists risk ostracism, dismissal and even imprisonment, these sacrifices are made in pursuit of the greatest prize, nothing less than the survival of the White Race.

Chairman Keith Axon then announced a break, during which the audience enjoyed a generous buffet and were able to browse the many literature and merchandise stalls.
After a thirty minute lunch break, Keith resumed the meeting. The next item on the agenda was an auction of nationalist items donated by H&D subscribers, including historic items of nationalist literature. The second half of the event then began with a brief speech by Benny from Whitelaw, representing the highly successful nationalist music organisation Blood & Honour, founded by Ian Stuart from nearby Poulton-le-Fylde.

The chairman then introduced Steve Frost – National Secretary of British Movement. As a comrade of the late Colin Jordan for many years, Steve remains an outspoken national socialist, promoting an alternative to the twin treacheries of capitalism and communism. He gave the meeting powerful insights into the early days of John Tyndall’s political activity alongside CJ, picking up the ideological baton from Arnold Leese, whose racial nationalist legacy formed the bedrock philosophy of BM, and also influenced the NF and BNP.
Jez Turner, organiser of the London Forum, gave a positive and inspirational speech. A twelve-year veteran of the Royal Corps of Signals, Jez had just returned from Hungary, where the authorities had banned a congress of European nationalists. Largely thanks to the efforts of American Renaissance editor Jared Taylor, a successful dinner and meeting had been held, followed by social gatherings in the historic city of Budapest. Jez reminded us of the Hungarian people’s suffering at the hands of Stalinist commissars, and their abandonment by Western governments.

Chairman Keith Axon then called upon meeting organizer – and editor of Heritage and Destiny – Mark Cotterill to say a few words. Mark thanked everybody for attending and supporting this year’s event, which despite yet another internet campaign (both on loony nationalist forums and Facebook) by a group of keyboard warriors and enemies of JT to sabotage the meeting, was still a great success and had attracted a record attendance. A collection was taken to cover the costs of the venue and organisation.

The final speaker of the day was Peter Rushton, assistant editor of Heritage & Destiny. Despite the collapse of the BNP and the temporary ascendency of UKIP, Peter asserted that the future belonged to radical nationalism, because our ideas are based on nature, while liberalism is anti-nature. All of the establishment parties – including UKIP – are based on some combination of social liberalism and economic liberalism, rooted in demonstrably false assumptions about human equality. We nationalists following in the tradition of John Tyndall assert our racially based, nature-based alternative to the establishments melting-pot dystopia.

Event steward Ken Shapcott, ably assisted by two young ladies from the audience, then drew the raffle and brought the meeting to a close, thanking Mark Cotterill, the panel of speakers, and the excellent security team who had travelled from Nottingham and Leeds. Ken also thanked all those comrades who could not attend, but who still supported the event by sending in donations to help with the organisational costs.

After the meeting a very enjoyable social was held at another city centre venue, which continued well into the morning. There were a few sore heads at the H&D office the following day!
So all in all, a very successful and enjoyable event. If you could not attend this year, then make sure you come to next year’s John Tyndall Memorial Meeting (details of which will be sent out to H&D subscribers after the new year); you won’t be disappointed.
PS: The four-page colour programme from this year’s John Tyndall Memorial Meeting is available for £5 (including p&p) from Heritage and Destiny, 40 Birkett Drive, Preston, PR2 6HE. Additional photos and video links will be added on Tuesday-Wednesday this week.