Nausea-Inducing Coalburner and Monkey Sidekick Rob the Whore’s Dead Mother

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
January 10, 2017

Diron Conyers, Alyce Davenport.

You can tell your country is completely screwed when you have drug-addled coalburners skipping family funerals to rob the dead people’s homes.

You’ll get used to this eventually, but you never get used to looking at these degenerates.

Luckily, writing these articles entitles me to unlimited anti-nausea medication under the Daily Stormer health plan.

Fox News:

Police in Massachusetts said a woman ditched her own mother’s funeral on Friday to break into her home and steal a safe filled with items worth $90,000.

Alyce Davenport, 30, and Diron Conyers, 27, both appeared in court Monday and faced seven counts related to the alleged robbery, the Telegram & Gazette reported.

Charges were filed against the two after Thomas Baillet, Davenport’s mother’s fiancé, told police someone broke into his house during the funeral of Audra Johnson – Davenport’s mother – and stole the safe from a locked bedroom.

Court documents reportedly stated Davenport was suspected of the theft, and was recently kicked out of the house over her drug habits.

Police found a car linked to Davenport on the side of a road with the safe in the trunk, which Davenport allegedly slammed shut when officers tried to peek inside.

Legal documents, $5,000 in coins, a bag of knives and jewelry were found elsewhere in the car.