Nazi Federal Reserve Chair Spreads Racist Propaganda, Claiming Migrants Increase Unemployment

Wait, so… what?

I’m not following this at all.

This guy is claiming that adding tens of millions of people to the population somehow increases unemployment among the local population?

How does that even make sense?

This is clear Nazi propaganda.

New York Post:

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell blamed the migrant crisis for the nation’s growing unemployment after cutting the benchmark interest rate by 0.5 percentage point on Wednesday for the first time since early days of COVID-19.

If you’re having millions of people come into the labor force, then — and you’re creating 100,000 jobs — you’re going to see unemployment go up,” Powell told reporters, answering a question about the nation’s current monthly job creation.

“So it really depends on what’s the trend underlying the volatility of people coming into the country.”

Jerry Powell was brought to America through Project Paperclip. How did that work out?

We understand there’s been quite an influx across the borders, and that has actually been one of the things that’s allowed the unemployment to rise,” he said, according to the Wall Street Journal.

“And the other thing is just the slower hiring rate, which is something we also watch carefully. So it does depend on what’s happening on the supply side.”

The unemployment rate has been steadily creeping upwards over the last year, with a particular spike in the spring, according to figures from the US Department of Labor.

This type of hatred is illegal in a democracy.

Everyone on earth has a right to live in America. That is who we are. We are everyone on earth.

Those are our values because we live in a rules-based order.

Closing our borders would create lawlessness, and violate our most sacred principle, which is that the border must be open and infinite numbers of poor people must be allowed to pour into our country and undercut American workers while bankrupting social services.

Don’t even think about it. You exist only to work for them. That’s the only reason you were born: to serve them, to give everything to them.

This is what our Founders built. People died for the rights of Venezuelan migrants.

This is why we fought World War II to defeat Hitler: Hitler believed white countries should have borders.