Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 31, 2017
This is why I told you to vote for Corbyn.
Actually, this has nothing to do with why I told you to vote for Corbyn – mainly, I was just concerned about the fact that he hate Jews.
But this right here is something that Mama Theresa would never say.
Corbyn was a secret Brexit supporter. We know this. Or we think we do.
A Labour government would leave the Single Market, Jeremy Corbyn has claimed, admitting that European Union (EU) freedom of movement rules have damaged workers’ conditions.
Speaking on the Andrew Marr programme, the Labour leader ruled out staying in the Single Market because it was “inextricably linked” to EU membership, saying the country should seek a tariff-free trade deal instead.
Asked about his party’s attitude to EU immigration after Brexit, Corbyn claimed Labour would put a stop to the “wholesale importation of low-paid workers from central Europe,” admitting that this “destroys conditions” for British workers in industries like construction.
So just sit for a minute and ask yourself if you’ve ever heard or would ever expect to hear a Tory say that sentence.
Then consider again just how many more nonwhites Cameron brought in than Tony did.
Then ask yourself: is Tory really the party of whites, or just the party of the Jews?
In the interview, Corbyn said he would put a stop to the practice of agencies advertising jobs in central Europe, and force them to “advertise in the locality first” – an approach barred by Brussels rules which deem this a form of discrimination.
“What we wouldn’t allow is this practice by agencies, who are quite disgraceful they way they do it – recruit a workforce, low paid – and bring them here in order to dismiss an existing workforce in the construction industry, then pay them low wages.
“It’s appalling. And the only people who benefit are the companies,” he told Marr.
True leftists are better than fake conservatives.
Because a true leftist is able to recognize that immigration (along with being a Jewish scam to destroy society) is a scam by big business to lower wages.
Way back in 2015, when we had all those different candidates, Bernie Sanders was actually harder on immigration than Jeb Bush. That is a true story.