Nazi Leader Spencer Responds to Greasy Faggots Trying to Kike Him!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 27, 2016

The sickening filthy slimebags and tricky bull-prepping cuckolds are swarming the Nazi Leader Richard Spencer and attempting to viciously kike him!

But you can’t pincher the Spencer!

Some greasy, weaselish enemy of Spencer is going around talking about how it’s time to surrender to “nationalism for everyone” cock-gobblery – no dice!

“Nationalism for everyone” can go jump off a bridge! We want nationalism for WHITES!

Why would we want positive things for our blood enemies???

And hey, even if you don’t recognize them as your blood enemies who need to be crushed like common cockroaches – let me ask you this:

Do you see any other race talking about “nationalism for everyone”???

Of course not! These ANIMALS are trying to rob us blind and steal our women!

When someone is in your house raping your wife, do you go up to them and say “I think I deserve to have a wife, but I also really think you should have a wife, and I would like to help you find one”???


Who would do that???

And the other thing is: just because Trump won doesn’t mean we should stop pushing for the ethnic cleansing of America and the neutralization or liquidation of undesirables.

I don’t know if the bull-preppers trying to pincer the Spencer have looked around themselves lately, but hey – we’ve got a whooooooooole lot of undesirable genetic waste in this country that needs PHYSICAL REMOVAL.

And yeah, it looks like Trump is going to clean out some of this filth, but unless we start stripping these monkeys of their citizenship and deporting them – whether they were born here or their parents were born here, I don’t care – we’ve got a serious problem. The Jew government has already admitted that a majority of under 5-year-olds are non-white.

So basically, if we settle for Trump and his present plan, all that means is that we’re going to be exterminated slower.

Trump is an excellent, excellent, excellent first step. We’re going to be in a whole lot better place in 8 years than we are now.

But it is still just a first step.

In 2024, we need to have prepared the ground to elect a literal Hitler.


What this means is that we have to push the envelope further and further among the people.

Of course we are going to support Trump insofar as he does what he said he’s going to do (I personally think he’s going to), but at the same time, we have to be a lot more extreme than he is, and make sure that by 2024, the masses are ready for a LITERAL HITLER.

This was always the plan.

And I don’t think this is going to be hard to pull-off, honestly. Think of the changes we’ve made since we started a few short years ago. The future is open.

If we can keep our demographics basically what they are now, in 8 years the same whites who voted for Trump will be ready to vote for Hitler. And some of these old people who voted Hillary will be dead. Also the young people coming up are going to be more hardcore than any of us – and people who are in elementary school right now will be able to vote for this coming Hitler figure.

I am a Republican now – I’ve joined the Republican party. And that is because I think our COMING SAVIOR, THE NEW HITLER will be running as a Republican in 2024, after Trump has cleansed our party of the cuckold filth. We are also well on our way to getting hardcore Nazis placed within the GOP in preparation for this.

However, that doesn’t mean the Alt-Right should be ended or abandoned. I’ve joked about tossing the label because it sounds like a genre of lesbian folk music – but these are just jokes.

In fact, we need this label, it is useful as a codeword for NEO-NAZISM. And now the media has fully associated it with that, so hey – roll with it. The term itself is arbitrary anyway.


Bottom line: keep your eye on the ball.

Spencer has PHYSICALLY REMOVED the cucks.

Our movement is taking a new shape – carved from stone.

Forward march.