NBA Turk Fears Assassination in the UK. Because of Course.

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 7, 2018

Did you know the NBA was doing games outside of the US to try and challenge soccer as the international sport?

I did not know that.

I did however know that the UK is filled with extremist Moslems who the government allows to commit assassinations because it would be racist to stop them.


NBA star Enes Kanter should be looking forward to coming to play basketball in London next week.

Instead, he says he’ll be staying in the USA – for fear of assassination in the UK.

The 26-year-old New York Knicks centre explained to Radio 1 Newsbeat why he’s cancelled his appearance at the O2 arena on 17 January.

“The Turkish government is obsessed with me,” he said over the phone from his New York base.

“I speak out against [President] Erdogan, and so I don’t feel safe.

“It’s sad as I love Harry Potter, and wanted to come see all of London so badly, but I can’t take the risk.”

“I’m not saying that Erdogan’s going to do an operation [against me] in London but it’s more there are lots of crazy supporters of his.

“You can say that I’m paranoid but I don’t want to take the risk.

“My team’s security said to me ‘If you go, you can’t leave your room or do any activities for the time you’re in London’.

“I’m getting more death threats, hundreds in the last few days. But I won’t stop being outspoken I want the whole world to know what’s going on in Turkey.

“It’s bigger than basketball, it’s bigger than the NBA.”

What a joke country, the UK.


Wow man.

Jeez man.


I don’t think that the NBA’s efforts to sell basketball to the world are going to really work out very well. Firstly, players are going to be getting assassinated left and right. Secondly, the internet and television exist and it is clear that people are not interested in basketball.

America has successfully sold the world a lot of different scams, but no one is interested in buying niggerball other than you, America.
