NBC4 Cannot Delete Fast Enough as Comments Section Flooded with Anti-Terror Activism

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 5, 2015

Yesterday, I called for complaints to be placed in the comments section of various articles on terror organization NBC4’s website, after they closed comments on the attack piece they posted against me and my family.

The result has been that NBC4 cannot delete fast enough, and is being overwhelmed.

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Eventually, Pohlman himself showed up to attempt to defend himself.

But the people aren’t buying it.

awwwwddddd fefeeee ssseeee aawvv

Continue the assault, men.

Justice and lulz are on our side.

Comments are still open at time of writing. They won’t be for long.

There is nowhere to hide, but the network has made the decision to keep on running, rather than face up to what they’ve done.

You can post on Duane Pohlman’s about page, and on every other page on the site.

Make new accounts if you get banned. Take screenshots and post them in the comments section so we have a record of the way NBC4 has attempted to cover their tracks when confronted about their involvement in Anti-American terrorism. Also, so we have a record of your lulz.

You can post on Pohlman’s about page, or any other page on the site.

Duane Pohlman enjoys travelling to Israel, where he ambushes and harasses the mothers of Arab babies murdered by Jews.
Duane Pohlman enjoys travelling to Israel, where he ambushes and harasses the mothers of Arab babies murdered by Jews.

The ship is sinking, NBC.

And we haven’t even gotten started.
