Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 4, 2015

Columbus’ NBC4 is on the run following a Stormer operation against them.
At time of writing, they have closed the comments section on the article they wrote about me, my website and my mother. This is a clear admission of guilt, as they are unwilling to be challenged by the people who disagree with them.

They have also, apparently, lobbied to get all of the reviews we wrote of their sponsors removed.
But guess what NBC4?
This party is just getting started.
Now is not the time for fear. That comes later.
Right Now
Phase two of Operation: Counter-Pohlmanism will involve contacting churches and other community organizations in the Columbus area and letting them know how NBC4 terrorizes the families of people who support traditional American values.
This is going to be big, and we’re still putting it together.
And there is, of course, no rush. We are now in siege mode, and NBC4 has no exit strategy. So we can take our time.
I am also working on a more comprehensive list of sponsors to make aware about the nature of NBC4’s operations.
Currently, we should focus on pressuring sponsors and NBC4 itself.
The present sponsor list we’ve put together is here, but please skip the part as NBC4 has already gotten to them (possibly by terrorizing the mother of whoever owns the site).
You can also hit-up the rest of the NBC4 team on Twitter, let them know how you feel about them terrorizing families, and ask them to give a response.
NBC4 official account (@nbc4i). They are deleting/blocking, but keep questioning them. Others will see the Tweets and look into the network’s operations.
NBC4 anchor Cabot Rea (@CabotNBC4).

“Cabot” (real name, apparently) was responsible for introducing the segment terrorizing my family.
Ken Freedman (@freedman_ken) is the general manager of NBC4i.

Presumably, Freedman already knows about this situation, but he is the one ultimately responsible for it happening and for dealing with it. Tweet him and demand he issue an apology and fire Pohlman.
Duane Pohlman (@duanespohlman).

The vile terrorist himself was engaging, but seems to have begun blocking. Drop him a line, see what’s up. He might talk to you.
Because the comments section of the article attacking me has been shut down due to the backlash, please comment on the other articles of Duane Pohlman.

Here’s a good one:
Former Crime Stoppers leader talks corruption
Post comments there, as many as you like, using Disqus.
Duane’s other articles are here.
You might also want to comment on this article about Blacks breaking into the homes of a White family who was flying the Confederate flag and shooting and stabbing them. NBC4i did not report this as a hate crime, and no one’s family was terrorized. I wrote about that here.
Should be able to get the site to completely drop comments altogether, further implicating themselves in criminal behavior and terrorism against Americans.
An Attack on One of Us is an Attack on All of Us
Remember that this is not simply about me. Those supporting traditional European/American values are presently under a vicious assault a Ken Freedman
@freedman_ken cross the White world. What we are doing here is fighting back against the entire program of anti-White terrorism.
Because believe me, other “journalists” and anti-White groups are going to know about this, and these tactics are not going to be used again.
We are the new media, and very soon we will have as much power as they do.
Stand with me, brothers, and join the crusade.
For Great Justice.
Hail Victory.
Andrew Anglin