NC: Police Chief Forced to Resign for Calling “Black Lives Matter” a Terrorist Group

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 17, 2015

Mike Halstead: I've seen a lot of racists in my day, but I've never come across one so filled with pure hatred.
Mike Halstead: I’ve seen a lot of racists in my day, but I’ve never come across one so filled with pure hatred.

In America, speech is totally free. First Amendment, baby.

You will just get fired and be forced onto food stamps if you say something that offends Blacks or Jews.


Surf City Police Chief Mike Halstead has retired effective immediately following an emergency meeting called in reference to a Facebook post he made. Major Ron Shanahan will take over as Interim Chief.

According to Town Manager Larry Bergman, Halstead was asked to retire and Council was considering terminating him if he did not.

Town leaders and Halstead have agreed to 60 days of severance pay following his decision to retire. Bergman explained council agreed to that primarily because it would take awhile for his retirement to kick in.

Bergman said the police department has rules regarding social media.

The department’s policy states employees are free to ‘express themselves as private citizens on social media sites’ as long as it does not ‘negatively affect the public perception of the department.’

Bergman, you say?


Town Manager Larry Bergman.
Town Manager Larry Bergman.

I’m not saying Larry Bergman is obviously a Jew and that this is clearly yet another case of Jewish ethnic activism against a proud and masculine White male who is instinctively viewed by Jews as a threat to their collective existence, but it might be worth asking him about it.

Larry Bergman
(Town Manager)
Phone: (910) 328-4131
Fax: (910) 328-1746

Because I’m not saying “every single time,” but, you know.

Give him a call, ask him about his ethnicity, ask him what role his ethnicity played in his decision to Jew over this police chief for simply stating obvious facts.

I would call him myself, but I’ve got to finish up some articles about this war in Europe. Plus, I mean, I like to give you bros a chance to put some effort in. We are about to get exterminated here.

Here’s Halstead’s full Facebook post (emphasis and paragraph breaks are mine):

Open letter from a Police Chief,

this Black Lives Matter group is nothing more than an American born terrorist group brought on by the lie of the hands up don’t shoot during the criminal thug Michael Brown incident.

The FBI and other Government Law Enforcement groups need to step up and put a stop to this. The Government and blacks would not tolerate the White Supremacist group to march through the streets and call for the murders of a race of people and a group of public servants.

I agree there is a race problem in this country. It is not brought on by police officer doing their sworn duty, it is brought on by the government, the President and his cronies Al Sharpton, who is a criminal tax evader (but has the support of our so called President), Jessi Jackson, Eric Holder and that ignorant S.O.B. Farrakhan who should be charged with solicitation for murder, lord knows a white man would be arrested for the same actions of idiot Farakhan.

I am sure there are many hard working Black people who will agree with me. I have been a Police Officer for 35 years. I do not judge anyone by the color of their skin, but by there actions. A criminal is a criminal whether a police officer or any other profession.

I will not state statistics because black lives matter do not care or believe proven statistics. I put allot of the blame for these cop murders on the media and the way they report police related shootings. There is no need to list or even state the race of a person shot by the police. It is more important to wait for the facts and report those. But and a big but that does not make money for these greedy media ass holes.

When a black thug is killed by the police they are all over it as is Mr. Barack Obama. However when a police officer white, black or any race is murdered for doing his job the media is short with it’s reporting or not at all. When a white person is killed by a black officer you hear nothing. Has our so called President spoke publicly about these murders of police officers by blacks, HELL NO he has not.

Step up Mr. President, or step down because we do not need you. Has our Attorney General spoke against these murders, no of course not because she was appointed by Barack Obama. Now let me say this, and this is not a threat but common knowledge.

I have instructed my officers to be vigilant, if threatened take appropriate action. If that means shoot a thug, then do it and answer for it while you are still alive not dead. Law Enforcement is fed up with this murderous society who want to take out those who protect and serve.

Imagine if all law enforcement shut down for just 1 day. There would be murders, rapes, robberies, you name it. America wake up, all of you black, white, Mexican whatever you need the police, we do not need you.

End this Black Lives Matter bull shit and start a movement that all lives matter. As for the New Black Panther movement who wants to kill whites and cops, go for it, we are ready for you. You take one of us and there will be 100 who will step up and end you.

This letter is not meant to offend anyone, just the feelings of a man who has spent the last 35 years of his life serving and protecting, for what so a thug can take it or to be treated as a criminal by the very people I swore to protect. Let’s get this around folks so maybe our President and the media will get a wake up call.

Be safe all of my Brothers and Sisters in blue, not white, black, yellow or brown BLUE.

After Bergman forced him to resign, he posted this.

I want to thank you all for your support. I was forced to retire or be terminated. I had to beg for a 60 day severance to feed my family. That was the thanks I got from those I thought were family, I was thrown under the bus for expressing my 1st amendment rights and speaking the truth and concerns for law enforcement. I want to thank all of the folks in Surf City for your support. It was my pleasure to serve you. Thank you to my officers for your dedication, I will miss everyone of you. I would like to apologize to my family for letting you down. I also apologize to those I have offended, that was not my intent. I have served proudly for 35 years without a blemish. I guess to some Surf City Leaders that has no meaning. I guess I will learn to eat beanie wienies for a few months. I love you all.

President Trump, we hereby demand that Mike Halstead be made head of the Department of Homeland Security or the Department of Justice or both.

This man is everything America is supposed to be.