Nearly 40% of Jews Say America “No Longer a Safe Haven for Jews”

So then, leave, Jews.

No one is trying to keep you here.

Seriously – no one wants you here. We never wanted you here in the first place.

We want you to leave, you want to leave – this seems like the ideal scenario for everyone.

New York Post:

Nearly half of Jewish voters have felt at risk because of their religious identity while living in the Empire State — while more than a third said that New York is no longer a safe haven for their people, a shocking new poll reveals.

The survey conducted for the pro-Israel New York Solidarity Network found that 44% of the 1,200 Jewish voters in New York City and other counties queried said they have felt unsafe, as did 67% of identifiable Orthodox Jews.

More than a third — 35% — said they agreed with the statement: “New York is no longer a safe haven for Jewish life and the Jewish people.”

Nearly 40% of the same voters said the US is no longer a safe haven for Jews.

Okay, well – you Jews brought all these Moslems into America. That is on you.

Now you’re shocked that you’re committing a genocide against Moslems and Moslems are mad at you?

I don’t know why you would do something like this.

This is not reasonable at all.

But it’s what you did.

Here’s the thing: you need to leave.

The numbers are unsettling given that 1.5 million Jews live in New York state — more than any single place on the globe outside of Israel, the poll takers said.

“That more than a third of registered New York Jewish voters believe New York is no longer a safe haven for Jews should be a five-alarm fire for state and local elected officials,” Sara Forman, executive director of the New York Solidarity Network and Treasurer of Solidarity PAC, said in a statement to The Post Wednesday.

“Jews have been warning leadership for months, as masked mobs teeming with hatred for Jews crowded outside hospitals and synagogues, defaced the homes of Jewish museum board members, intimidated Jews on the subway and in other public spaces, vandalized Jewish-owned business, overran colleges to ‘occupy’ campuses— all while far-left politicians celebrated this behavior as ‘peaceful’ protest,” Forman said.

If we do not feel safe here, with the largest Jewish community outside of Israel, how can we feel safe anywhere?” Forman added.

I don’t know but that isn’t my problem.

If you wouldn’t have caused all these problems everywhere you went – everything from child trannies to genocides – you wouldn’t have to be constantly fleeing everywhere.

I agree, you probably don’t have anywhere else to flee to now, because you caused problems in every single place you went.

But again: that sounds like a you problem.

I just want you out of my country.

You know the old bit, Jews: you don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.