Daily Stormer
October 11, 2014

Cultural Marxism has reached a new level of idiocy with this story. A Nebraska school is actually instructing its teachers to stop addressing their students with gendered expressions, according to Nebraska Watchdog. Apparently calling students “boys and girls” would be bigoted to transgender freaks, so they are trying to ban these terms.
Teachers at the school were given a training document which demanded they replace anything gender-related with “hey campers” or the much more bizarre “purple penguins.”
Wouldn’t it be easier just to put the transgender wackos in a mental institution? This way society could operate normally without their mental illness polluting it.
Since that would be insensitive, we apparently have to embrace their insanity by coming up with continually more bizarre ideas and concepts to accommodate them.
The people who come up with this stuff should be evaluated themselves for mental disorders because this stuff is obviously so crazy and ridiculous it defies basic comprehension.
Daily Slave contributed to this report.