Negress Comedian Wanda Sykes Booed for Calling Trump a Racist, Sexist Homophobe

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 15, 2016

The Negress stand-up comedian Wanda Sykes was virulently booed after calling Donald Trump a racist, sexist, etc. on stage. She responded the booing with “fuck all yall,” which is the traditional Negroid response to people who disagree with them.

Here’s a question though: is Trump all of these things they accuse him of being?

As a racist, sexist and homophobe, I should be able to answer these questions with some authority.

Racism: Yes

He has embraced White identity politics and he wants to remove brown people. By the current definition of the word, he is definitely a racist.

The thing is, he doesn’t seem to be racist against Black people. I mean he hasn’t ever even said anything about them, except that they can keep their entitlements. He posted one meme about Black crime, and he has said he’s going to strengthen law enforcement in Black neighborhoods, and I guess that gets called racism. But most Black people would probably support it.

Sexism: Yes

By any of the modern definitions of the word, he is a sexist, in that he thinks women should be attractive and serve men. He’s also going to ban abortion and get these nasty slags back in the kitchen.

Homophobia: No

While the others are basically true, at least by the definitions presently in use, this accusation is just puzzling.

He hasn’t said anything about homos. He even said he’s not going to try to overturn gay marriage. Part of this is presumably due to the fact that the GOP has used the fag issue as a manipulation tool to get conservatives to work against their own interests and it’s better just to bury it and forget about it, part of it is probably due to wanting to look reasonable to liberals and part of it is probably that on a personal level he doesn’t really care.

Anyway – two outta three ain’t bad.