Negress Congressperson Calls Berkeley Riots a “Beautiful Sight,” Calls for More Violence

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 4, 2017

This is happening, in real life.

A Democrat Congressperson has labeled the Berkeley riots a “beautiful sight.”


Washington Free Beacon:

Democratic Rep. Val Demings (Fla.) said on Thursday that the violent riots that took place at the University of California, Berkley the prior night were a “beautiful sight.”

One witness reported seeing a large crowd yelling “No Trump, no Milo,” at Sproul Plaza on the UC Berkley campus. A female Trump supporter was pepper-sprayed while giving an on-cmaera interview.

Demings applauded the violent protests that took place during a Capitol hill hearing.

“We have seen demonstrations–and I think you already talked about that–around the country. Young people at Berkeley protesting against this unconstitutional order,” Demings said.

She then encouraged more young people to get involved in the protests.

“We encourage our young people to get involved–I thought it was a beautiful site,” Demings said.

This is so, so wonderful.

The Democrat party itself is endorsing political violence and calling for more of it.

Let that sink in.

It’s almost like someone is telling them to do this, some Nazi infiltrator bent on destroying the party.

But I don’t think that’s the case. I think this is just Jews (this Negress, like all Democrat party members, is a mouthpiece for Jews; blacks don’t care about Moslems, unless, like Obama, they are one), backed against a wall, flipping the hell out.

This ensures the party’s total collapse. There is just no way that white people, of any background, are going to vote for a political party that endorses terrorism in any significant numbers.

They are going to be left with Mexicans, Moslems, some (though not all) childless white women, perhaps about half the blacks (I think blacks are going to get on the Trump Train in huge numbers when he cracks down on crime/drugs) and then a handful of fringe nutjobs.

The party has zero leadership beyond the whacked out kikes themselves. They literally can’t even grasp what is happening, and instead of pulling back, they’re pushing forward.

It’s comfy af to watch, fam.

And look – what is going to happen when Trump declares these groups behind this violence terrorists? Are they going to try and publicly support terrorist groups? Won’t that open them up to being charged with sedition?

Could there be anything more perfect than this?