Negress Goes to EU Parliament to Demand Reparations for Colonialism

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 1, 2017

In this clip from December, you have a Negress at the EU Parliament shouting about how former colonies should be given money by whites.

She gets booed, apparently by the French. Which is funny a good sign. Good sign.

Demanding reparations for colonialism is a bizarre concept. Difficult to process what it even means. Almost all colonized people’s were living without any form of civilization whatsoever, and in the post colonial world, they have civilization. So that should be the reparations, no?

There is something to the argument that before colonialism, these people weren’t “poor.” Because if you’re living in a jungle eating fruits, poverty isn’t really a thing. So I guess a logical demand would be “make it like it was before you showed up.” I don’t know how this would be done, however, other than just by cutting them off totally.

So instead of more money, they should be asking for no money.