Negress Shot White Cop Because She Didn’t Want to Go to Jail

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
October 9, 2017

Sheeeeit nigga she dindu nuffin’, she wuz scurred ‘n sheit.

She didn’ even tries to kill da po po, she shot his arm.


From inside the Henrico County Jail, Karisa Daniels told 8News reporter Kristin Smith that she didn’t want to go to jail.

“I was under the influence and I was extremely high and, you know, just sitting in here today I’m like what have I done,” lamented Daniels.

According to investigators, Senior Trooper C.A. Putnam tried to pull the North Carolina woman over for going 87 miles per hour on Chippenham Parkway.

Daniels said she stopped but “as soon as he got out of the car I took off,” she explained. “And I left from where he was at and then next thing I know he’s right behind me again.”

“The next thing I know, I heard, ‘put your hands up, put your hands up where I can see them,’ and then I heard pop and I’m like ok, so he’s going to shoot me if I run, so I turned around and I shot him,” said Daniels.

State Police say Trooper Putnam never fired his weapon. Neighbors also tell 8News they only heard one shot.

The 23-year-old admits she’s a convicted felon who was illegally carrying a gun and driving on a suspended license.