Negro Assaults 1-Year-Old White Baby

Greve Hans
Daily Stormer
June 7, 2016


Child abuser Markell Hilaire

A pathetic, insecure dindu assaulted a 1-year-old baby he was babysitting. This is the most disgusting thing I’ve read in ages. This guy, Markell Hilaire, was supposedly a family friend of 10 years before this happened. 10 years! This just shows that you should not trust these stupid, savage apes.

First Coast News:

The Marburys were outraged that an Oregon court ruling was blocking the alleged abuser from facing criminal charges.

Markell Deon Hilaire, 27, of Tacoma, Wash., was arrested Friday in connection with the abuse, according to the Washington County District Attorney’s Office.

Hilaire faces three felony charges, criminal mistreatment in the first degree, assault in the third degree and assault in the fourth degree. Each charges carries the maximum penalty of five years in prison.

The babysitter was Marbury’s best friend of 10 years. Alicia Quinney, Jacob’s mother, said Hilaire admitted to police he hit Jacob.

In court Monday, Hilaire faced a judge accused of beating the 1-year-old while he babysat him.

According to court language, in order to prove felony abuse of a child, prosecutors must show that the child had “substantial pain” and incurred a “physical injury.” An obstacle can arise for children who are too young to explain their injuries or even describe what happened, as would be the case with a 1-year-old.

“Under current Oregon law, animals are more protected from physical injury than children,” the statement reads.

The charges against Hilaire are class C felonies, which is a lesser category than some. If convicted, Hilaire could just face probation and serve no time in prison.

I don’t even know where to start here. He even admitted beating the living hell out of a 1-year-old, but the filthy Jews in the court system say he can’t be convicted because there is no proof that the child had pain or injury.


Zero pain or injury? I don’t think so.

This disgusting POS might walk out free. How is that even possible!? If anything this ape should get the death penalty. But then again #BlackLivesMatter, right?

The poor father made a Facebook post which is heartbreaking to read. The mother seems like a really decent woman too. These were not some degenerate SJW liberals; these were normal Christian whites that didn’t realize the importance of the race question. And look what happened.

I am willing to bet some stupid, disgusting darkie will try to start a campaign in support of this ”innocent” brother. Give it a few days and you’ll see it on Twitter.