Negro Balls: The Guardian Attacks Sweden as a Racist Mega-Zone

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 2, 2015

The Guardian is internationally renown for being the most objective newspaper on the planet.
The Guardian is internationally renown for being the most objective newspaper on the planet.

Did you know that Sweden is a haven for racism?

I didn’t, until The Guardian told me so.

According to a recent report by the United Nations, which concludes that a rising level of racist violence and “Afrophobic” hate crimes in Sweden are “an extensive social problem”.

“There continues to be a general Swedish self-perception of being a tolerant and humane society, which makes it difficult to accept that there could be structural and institutional racism faced by people of African descent,” says the report, which was presented to the UN human rights council on Monday.

The country’s official philosophy of equality and respect for human rights “blinds” it to the racism faced by African-Swedes, it says. Hate crimes against the 200,000 or so black people of African origin in Sweden increased by more than 40% between 2008 and 2014, according to the National Crime Prevention Council, or BRÅ, with more than a fifth of incidents last year involving violence.

But broader attitudes to black people have also come under scrutiny after high-profile incidents, such as the occasion in 2012, when the then culture minister laughingly cut into the genital area of a cake depicting a stereotypical black woman connected to an artist’s grotesquely blacked-up face.

Last month the mayor of Lidköping in central Sweden, a member of the ruling Social Democrat party, publicly defended the traditional name of “negro balls” to describe a popular chocolate cake.


You know, you would think that the more immigrants a country receives, the more free of hatred it would become, as the people begin to understand that all people are exactly the same and genetics are a social construct.

Yet it appears that the more people begin to realize that they are exactly the same as Negroes and other brown people, the more they begin to hate.

It is a mystery which may never be solved, but the solution is obviously more immigration.