Daily Stormer
November 10, 2014

The retarded monkey master of the universe is deploying another 1,500 troops to Iraq, the AP reports. Despite the fact that he promised to end American military involvement in the region, he is slowly adding American forces back into the area.
As part of this plot, an official stated that “advisory teams” will be deploying to Iraq’s western Anbar province, where they allege ISIS is murdering everyone.
Haven’t we had enough of these imperialist wars that only benefit wealthy Jews and Israel? This is a waste of time, energy and resources.
Meanwhile, we have no border security in America and are allowing millions of third world mud people into the country, some of whom are undoubtedly Muslim and do not like the fact that America is bombing their native countries. What a brilliant security strategy by this half-breed terror lord.
Daily Slave contributed to this report.