Daily Slave
December 5, 2014

Could it be any more obvious that the vast majority of Blacks are incapable of behaving properly? This type of behavior is just going to turn more people against them so I hope they continue with their stupid protests.
Do they really think that disrupting a Christmas celebration and vandalizing Christmas decorations is going to further their cause?
The sounds of the holiday season were upstaged by chants for justice by protesters in Philadelphia Wednesday evening.
The protesters, angered by two separate Grand Jury decisions to not indict two white officers in the deaths of two unarmed black males — one in Ferguson, Missouri and another in New York — started by staging a “silent die-in” at 30th Street Station. The group laid silently on the ground.
The tension-filled encounter lasted nearly two hours. One man who tried to jump over a police barricade was arrested.
“We’re out here because we want justice. We see people of color being killed on a daily basis, and the cops that killed them are getting off,” protester Evan Hoffman said.
Some of the decorations at City Hall had the words “No Justice. No Peace.” spray-painted on them. One of the decorations had “Mike Brown” on it.