Modern Heretic
July 21, 2015

Cultural marxism is a death cult. If they win, if the jew has its way, the end result will not be the vast plantations of easy controlled brown gentile slaves toiling for g*d’s chosen as the talmud promises. It’s going to be an unlivable hell, an all against all where the content of their character is fully expressed, a return to a stone age existence, poorly formed coal-colored hominids wandering through the collapsing remains of White civilization, raping and killing. The jewish hatred for Whites is so virulent and senseless that this is the future they’re committed to.
Every time you hear the word “diversity” from a nose #6, every time you hear how this latest “transfer of wealth” will fix the dark animal, every time you hear about “African negroes for Montana!” programs, imagine the nightmare world it’s going to spawn. A world without Whites, without laws, without even the basic human decency. Human devolution, endless darkness, the fundamental transformation. This is the evil we must oppose.

The search effort continued Saturday night to find the group of men responsible for violent and coordinated attacks on Detroit’s west side.
It’s easy to make the above predictions because in the Detroit sewer they’ve already come true. Here the African monster is left to its own devices and descends into their traditional savagery and idiocy. An already hopelessly ruined city, a city of failed magic negro governance, bankruptcy and water shortages, now is afflicted with roaming rape apes.
In the most recent attacks, young women were gang raped in front of the men they were with.
The content of their character. We pretended this living dog shit was human because we were afraid our jewish enemy would call us names.

A woman was raped by six men Thursday at McNichols Road and Birwood Street. The couple was forced to undress and then robbed.
Coming soon to your formerly White neighborhood, courtesy of our criminal government. Send them to Utah. Let the mindless, violent, soulless monster share your living space, get to know your daughters. You’re not “races” are you?
Half a mile away at McNichols Road and Sorrento Street, a woman was raped in front of a man she was with. The attack carried out shortly before midnight by four men.
Strange how the normally strident jewish feminism useful idiots have very little to say about all of this. Here we see the “rape culture” they’re always screeching about, but because it can’t be used to attack normal White America it isn’t worth mentioning. Feminism is just another jewish weapon to attack Whites and that’s all it is.
A man who said he saw the first couple said at first he thought it was a domestic dispute.
Could this be the new euphemism for negro pack rapes? “Domestic dispute gone wrong?” “Unannounced first date takes turn for the worst?” Please check your kosher manual.

Police released sketches Friday evening of the men sought. Investigators believe one man was involved in both attacks Thursday.
Police are also looking into a rape and robbery that happened July 11 near Pierson Street and West McNichols Road.
Currently the plan is to throw a giant net over the city.
Two men may have been involved in the attack, where a couple was robbed and a young woman was raped.
Those crazy “men” and their antics, to say nothing of young couples going courting and how it sometimes goes wrong. Paper it over, give it the whitewash, I’m sure you’re fooling a lot of people.