Negro Savage Assaults White Guy in Hate Crime

Tim Hort
Daily Stormer
November 29, 2017

It’s not the Blacks that need to be concerned with spontaneous hate crimes.

Fox News:

An Austin man said he was the victim of a hate crime after being punched twice on 6th street over the weekend.

He tells FOX 7 that he suffered a severe concussion and has temporarily lost hearing in his right ear. For now, it has caused him to stop performing as a saxophonist. The man said he was minding his own business when he was assaulted. His biggest hope is that police can find the guy, before something worse happens.

Temple said the guy who punched him was a dark-skinned African American, around 6’2 in height, between 24 and 25 years old and wearing dark clothing. He reached out to FOX 7 for help, hoping someone may have seen something or that a business has the incident on surveillance.