Negro-Spic Hybrid Not Punished for Assaulting White School Principal

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
September 24, 2017

Luis Penzo.

Sheeit mang, donchu wite-ass crackas kno not 2 mess wit a niggas beats?

New York Post:

A hot-headed teen got a slap on the wrist Friday for slugging a Manhattan principal who told him to turn down his music.

“You made us very proud,” the judge said of the surly teen’s compliance with a family therapy program.

Luis Penzo, who sauntered into Manhattan Supreme Court Friday wearing a white T-shirt and red gym shorts, offered no apology for the October 2016 beatdown of Principal Matthew Tossman.

“He grabbed my Beats and was very aggressive so I lost control,” he confessed, according to court papers. “I hit him two times.”

When the principal asked him to turn down his music, Penzo dropped the headphones on the floor and left the music booming, prosecutors said.

Tossman reached for the device and Penzo pounced on him, leaving the educator with two black eyes and a laceration that needed seven stitches.

Matthew Tossman.