Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 19, 2015

A hoax movie portraying the subversive Jew-controlled Negro communist revolutionary Martin Luther King as some type of hero flopped at the box office.
Selma (released the weekend before last) grossed only $11,307,394 on it’s opening weekend. Though it came in second place, this was a mere quarter of the $39,201,657 White male hero Liam Neeson’s Taken 3 took in.

This weekend, Selma dropped to fifth place, grossing only $8,300,000, while White male hero Bradley Cooper’s American Sniper grossed $90,205,000. The Jew/Negro comedy the Wedding Ringer, the cartoon Paddington and Taken 3 all did better than the stupid hoax MLK film.

The target audience of these dramatic hoax films is always White people, given that ninety-nine-point-nine-something percent of Blacks would find them to boring to watch.

White people traditionally watch these films, which are released semi-regularly by Oprah or various Jews and Negroes associated with Oprah, to revel in a masochistic drive to view themselves as evil.
Box Office Mojo notes that last year’s The Butler, which dealt with the same themes and also featured the hag Oprah, released before the Ferguson and “I can’t breathe” riots, grossed $24.6 million its opening weekend, more than twice what Selma made. It didn’t receive the same level of pre-release critical acclaim that Selma did either. What this indicates is that White people are getting fed-up with revelling in guilt, as the Negro behavior gets more extreme and hostile towards them.
That is a very good thing.